Some Reservists Who Fought In Gaza To Be Released

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Major-General Yaniv Asor, the head of the IDF Manpower Directorate, conveyed in a letter addressed to IDF reservists on Wednesday that a segment of the soldiers engaged in confrontations with Hamas terrorists in Gaza would soon be relieved from their reserve duties, permitting them to return home.

Asor emphasized the IDF’s commitment to ensuring continuity in operational efforts, aiming to maintain the resilience and readiness of the forces. The decision, he noted, is made with foresight, acknowledging the necessity of a substantial number of reservists in the coming year and seeking to contribute to the functioning of the Israeli economy. He acknowledged the soldiers’ reluctance to depart before completing the mission but reassured them that it’s part of a prolonged conflict.

“We are initiating the process of releasing and revitalizing specific forces and units. Although we understand your desire to see the mission through, rest assured we will call upon you again; this is a protracted conflict,” Asor stated.

He expressed the IDF’s commitment to navigating the uncertainty surrounding personal and private lives, finding a delicate balance with the military and state requirements. The aim is to provide certainty while recognizing and supporting the soldiers and their families. Asor affirmed that, if necessary, they would call upon the reservists again, confident in their readiness to promptly report for duty.

Asor extended gratitude to family members, employers, friends, and the community at large for their unwavering support throughout the soldiers’ arduous responsibilities.

{ Israel}


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