STAGGERING: Survey: 96% of Palestinians Deny October 7th Massacre

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A new survey by the Palestinian Center for Survey Research, headed by Dr. Khalil Shikaki, indicates that 66 percent support the October 7 attack on Israel, with half of the participants believing Hamas will regain control of the Gaza Strip after the conflict.

An overwhelming 96% of those surveyed denied the massacre in the Gaza envelope, asserting that Hamas terrorists did not commit atrocities against Israeli civilians on October 7.

Additionally, 73% feel that Hamas was justified in initiating the attack, and 79% of respondents believe that Hamas will emerge victorious in the war, the highest level of confidence recorded since the war’s onset.

The survey further reveals that half of Gaza’s residents anticipate a Hamas victory and foresee the group resuming power in the Gaza Strip after the war.

In the event of Palestinian Authority elections, Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti, currently imprisoned for the murder of Jews, is predicted to win a majority. Should the elections be a contest between Barghouti and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, Haniyeh is expected to secure around 60% of the votes.

Conversely, in a matchup between Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas and Ismail Haniyeh, Haniyeh is projected to receive 43% of the vote, with Abbas garnering only 11%. For Barghouti versus Haniyeh, the figures are 44% for Barghouti and 29% for Haniyeh.

Barghouti, a 64-year-old Fatah member, is serving five consecutive life sentences and an additional 40 years in prison, handed down by an Israeli court for attacks that resulted in the deaths of five Israelis and numerous injuries.

The survey also shows that 60 percent of respondents favor dissolving the Palestinian Authority, and 89 percent wish for PA Chairman Abbas to resign. Moreover, 51 percent believe Hamas is the best choice to lead the Palestinian Arabs, while only 16 percent back Fatah.

{ Israel}


  1. “…96% of those surveyed denied the massacre in the Gaza envelope.”

    So, using that lumdis, since there was no “Oct 7”, the are no hostages. Therefore there was no rescue last week. Therefore no “over 200” falashtinks killed during the non rescue. So, what are the chamas gov health mins talking about? What massacre of civilians?


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