Supreme Court to Hear Petitions Calling to Immediately Draft Charedim

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On Sunday morning, a nine-justice panel at the High Court of Justice will hear petitions demanding immediate conscription of Charedi men to the IDF.

On Thursday, Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara came out in support of the petitions, writing in the state’s response that the government was acting “without authority,” “violating express rules of the court,” and “undermining the rule of law” in it’s attempts to deal with the new legal situation regarding Charedim and the draft.

The government has tried to get private representation in the High Court, instead of that of the attorney general, as she opposes the governments position.

In late March, the court issued an interim order barring the government from providing funds to Charedi yeshivas for students eligible for IDF enlistment, since the legal framework for deferring their IDF service had expired.



  1. They need chareidim immediately to force chareidim out from shuls and mekomos hakdoshim. The G-dless government’s next plan is to block the entrance of the kever of Shmuel Hanavi in Ramot Yerushalyim as his yahrzeit 28 Iyar is coming up this week. They will also have to oust anyone in there.

    • Typical comment by one who has abandoned God and his Torah. You’re not looking for answers. You’re only trying to message the guilt you’re feeling as you close on on your final day.

  2. What’s happening with Judicial Reform? Why don’t chareidim demand it IMMEDIATELY? And where is Ben Gvir?


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