Tragic: Chosson Suffers Brain Damage After Falling from Table at His Wedding

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A chosson who fell from a table at his chasunah last night is fighting for his life at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer.

The tragic incident occurred at the Achuzah Hall in Modiin where the chosson, Itai Ben Ahuva, was getting married. In the middle of the chasunah, he was raised on a table by his friends – as is often done at weddings – but then fell off the table, crashing to the ground. He was rushed to hospital with severe brain damage.

Sound man Pini Rothstein who was at the wedding recounted, “The chosson was lifted on a table and fell from a height of about 3 meters. His parents’ shouts as they reacted to the fall cannot leave my head.”

Rothstein declared: “We should instruct all members of any orchestra to stop the music at weddings when a chosson or kallah is lifted in such a dangerous way.”

Itai Ben Ahuva is a talmid at Yeshiva Halichos Shlomo in Tel Aviv, headed by Rav Mordechai Auerbach.

The incident took place at about 11 p.m.

Dr. Tzion Zibli, director of the neurosurgery department at Sheba, reported this morning on the chosson’s condition and said: “He is anesthetized and respirated, and being treated in the intensive care unit. The team is fighting for his life.”

{ Israel}


  1. Now the government will starting fining halls that allow chassanim and kallaos to be raised on tables if the tables haven’t gone through government approval.

    May he have a refuah shelemah.

    • No one should EVER be put on top of a table with some unsteady bachurim holding it in the air. We talk a lot about vinishmartem regarding masks/vaccines/social distancing etc…on this site. A person going on to a table to dance or be carried is extremely dangerous and not in the confines of vinishmartem. May the chosson have a refuah shliema bimheira taykaf umiyad mamesh!


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