Trump Joins TikTok, Gains a Million Followers

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Former President Donald Trump decided to join TikTok, and gained 1.3 million followers within a few hours.

Trump famously threatened to ban TikTok over national security concerns.

Trump is likely looking to win over younger voters, the demographic likeliest to be on the app. Trump is currently in a close race with President Biden from President.

While Biden’s campaign is also on TikTok, Biden has signed a bill that would ban it if it’s Chinese parent company does not sell it.

Trump launched his account with a video showing him meeting fans at an Ultimate Fighting Championship fight in Newark, New Jersey. His new account is @realdonaldtrump.

Trump’s campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said it will leave “no front undefended and this represents the continued outreach to a younger audience consuming pro-Trump and anti-Biden content.”

ByteDance, the Chinese parent company that owns TikTok, is challenging in courts the law that requires it to sell TikTok by next January or face a ban.

TikTok has argued it will not share the U.S. user data it has gathered with the Chinese government and that it has taken substantial measures to protect the privacy of its users.

Trump attempted to ban TikTok in 2020, but it was blocked by the courts.



  1. “Trump is currently in a close race with President Biden from President.”

    “Close race”??
    “from President”??


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