Trump Vows To Be ‘Very Involved’ In Midterm Elections

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Former President Donald Trump declared that he would be “very involved” in next year’s midterm elections, telling Fox News on Sunday that his support of candidates was vital for the victory of numerous candidates in last week’s vote.

Trump has already offered his endorsement to dozens of Republicans for next year’s election and said that he will continue “endorsing people” in a bid to help the GOP win majorities in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The former president insisted that “I’ll stay busy for good people. Not for bad people.”

He gave as an example that he will back state lawmakers in Michigan who “fought for the election” against alleged fraud in last year’s presidential vote and would be “unsupporting people in the state who have been terrible.”

Trump listed several races where he claimed his support was the determining factor in the candidate winning, citing “a congressional seat in Ohio, where he had a tough primary and won by a lot after my endorsement,” referring to Mike Cary of Ohio’s 15th congressional district.

Read more at NEWSMAX.




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