Undercover Soldiers Eliminate Senior Terrorist in Shechem

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On Monday afternoon, undercover Border Police agents entered the Balata camp in Shechem, and located a wanted major terrorist using precise ISA intelligence.

In broad daylight, the undercover agents surrounded the wedding hall where the terrorist was located.

When the terrorist noticed the soldiers, he tried to escape to the roof of the building with a weapon. The undercover agents shot and killed him.

The terrorist target was Adam Faraj, one of the highest-ranking members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the military wing of Fatah, in the Balata camp.

During the undercover operation, terrorists in the area shot at the forces and threw explosives at them. The undercover agents returned fire, wounding several terrorists. Additional IDF soldiers have been moved into the city to reinforce them in the ongoing battle.




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