UNSURPRISINGLY INSANE: Bernie Sanders States Support for ICC Arrest Threat Against Netanyahu, Gallant

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Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has stated his support for recent efforts by prosecutors at the International Criminal Court in The Hague to arrest Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

In a statement on Monday, Sanders cast Netanyahu with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar. He charged that Netanyahu had “waged an unprecedented war of destruction against the entire Palestinian people, which has killed or injured over five percent of the population.”

Stating that “the ICC prosecutor is right to take these actions,” Sanders called it “imperative that the global community uphold international law. Without these standards of decency and morality, this planet may rapidly descend into anarchy, never-ending wars and barbarism.”

Other senators had significantly different opinions on the matter.

Sen. Ted Budd (R-N.C.) wrote on X that the court had “destroyed any shred of legitimacy it ever had”—that equating “Israeli Prime Minister with Hamas terrorists is truly despicable, and we should consider sanctions in response.”

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) asserted that “there’s zero moral equivalence between Hamas’s terrorism and Israel’s right to self-defense. With these false accusations against Israel, the ICC is showing that it is a tool for antisemitic propaganda and shouldn’t be taken seriously.”



  1. Bernie, had you been in Nir Oz or Be’eri, they’d have butchered you and kidnapped your mutilated body. And all your ‘buddies’ in Gaza whom you so ardently defend and lament their supposed demise would have cheered on as your body was dragged into their territory.
    But you weren’t there and didn’t have the merit to die as a kadosh.
    Never fear. While you are alive, you can still do teshuva.

  2. Bernie is a rasha merusha of the worst kind. I hope and pray that he gets what’s coming to him as quickly as possible.

    • Don’t waste your time praying for this rasha. He’s long gone and Hillary’s, Biden’s, Obama’s companion, thanks to President Trump for draining the swamp.

    • I’ve yet to find a self-hating Jew who’s not bitter. They’re aware of the crimes against Hashem and His Torah they’re committing, which makes them bitter and self-hating Jews. All these OTD’s prove this point.

  3. Bernie, as a Kohain, I would like to give you a bracha. May you immediately get sick with a terminal
    illness which will cause you great pain and suffering until the day you leave this earth. You are a disgrace
    to the jewish nation, and to all of humanity. Zolst peigeren vi a hint.


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