US Ambassador: ‘A Palestinian State Would Be a Defeat for Hamas’

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US Ambassador Jack Lew addressed the Herzliyah Conference at Reichman University today, focusing on the Israel-US alliance.

“The best way to define the strategic relationship between the United States and Israel is to look at what’s happened over the last eight months. Any question about the US support for Israel is something I don’t understand. That doesn’t mean we haven’t asked questions, but we’re not at a different point in terms of the US support for Israel.”

Lew also shared his thoughts on the conflict’s future. “We have been urging Israel to defeat Hamas as a military and governing power. The provision of humanitarian assistance has been crucial to keeping the pathway open to success. When the war ends there has to be a vision for a future. Israel can’t be exposed to another October 7th, but there also has to be a conversation about the future of the Palestinian people and a pathway toward a future of self-governance.”

Lew emphasized that a plan for the Palestinians would also benefit Israel. “Israel is on the brink of being accepted by all of the moderate Arab countries. I don’t think you can get there if you don’t also have a pathway for dealing with the legitimate interests of the Palestinian people. Getting a Palestinian state, a demilitarized autonomous governing body that provides for security and dignity, would be a defeat for Hamas.”

Lew pointed out that such a plan would help unite many nations against Iran. “We saw a hint of the power that could give us during the Iranian attack. An alliance of moderate countries against Iran’s extremism would bring enormous benefits.”

He also advocated for a prisoner exchange deal as part of a ceasefire. “People need to come home to their families, and that’s just a human issue that has to be resolved. Strategically, a hostage deal and ceasefire would open a doorway to a discussion with Hezbollah about avoiding a war and to normalization discussions with Saudi Arabia.”

Lew asserted the importance of involving the Palestinian Authority in the process. “There’s only one group of people who can do the work to make civil order come back. We’ve got to figure out how to get those people to work in a way that meets everybody’s needs.”

Lew responded to a comment by US Air Force General Charles Brown, who recently expressed concerns about the US’s ability to assist Israel in a conflict with Hezbollah. “We’ve made clear that we continue to support Israel and its need to defend itself. We’ve also made clear that we think the right course of action is to try to avoid a war in the north. We’re urging a diplomatic solution.”

Lew remains hopeful about the future. “This war could end in a better place. Israel is already in a better place in several ways, and its resilience has been inspiring. The United States and Israel as partners can succeed in almost anything that we work together on.”

Lew has committed to focusing on the region’s future during his tenure. “I thought I was coming into a position where the number one objective would be completing a Saudi normalization deal while I was here. I’m committed to still having that be the objective.”

{ Israel}


  1. Spoken like a true Iranian agent.

    Oh, He actually was an Iranian supporter !

    Lew- Lose the Yarmulka & serious look, you are a menace.

  2. A palestinian state is good? China is a state, Lebanon and Iran are states, Syria is a state. North Korea is a state, Russia is a state. When the indoctrinated palestinians have a state all of sudden there will be peace?


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