US Won’t Say if it Would Work with Yair Golan, who Denounced Charedim

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The U.S. State Department commented for the first time on Thursday on controversial statements about Chareid Jews by the incoming chief of Israel’s Labor Party, Yair Golan, who was elected with 95% of the primary vote on May 28.

JNS asked Foggy Bottom about Golan’s prior statements about Charedim, including describing them as a “parasitic population” and denouncing the Jewish community in Yehuda and Shomron, which includes U.S.-Israeli dual citizens, as “subhuman.”

JNS also asked the State Department if Washington would rule out contacts with Golan after a new election in Israel, similar to the administration’s undeclared boycott of Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

On Thursday, a State Department spokesperson told JNS that Washington “unequivocally rejects dehumanizing and inflammatory language, regardless of who is targeted by such rhetoric.”

“Freedom of religion is a cornerstone of any democracy and should be respected,” the U.S. official added. The official referred JNS back to Golan for comment “regarding his specific remarks.”

The spokesperson declined to respond to the question of whether the Biden administration would engage with Golan if he were to become part of a future Israeli government.

An ex-Meretz Party lawmaker and former Israel Defense Forces deputy chief of staff, Golan was elected chairman of the Jewish state’s oldest party last week, receiving over 95% of the votes in a round of primaries prompted by the resignation of Merav Michaeli.

Golan has a history of controversial statements. In 2016, he was accused of comparing Israel’s conduct in Yehuda and Shomron to that of Nazi Germany during a speech marking Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Day.

Two years ago, while serving as a deputy economy minister in the Bennett-Lapid government on behalf of the Meretz Party, Golan was forced to issue a formal but half-hearted apology after he called Jewish residents of the Homesh outpost in the Shomron “subhuman.”

Shortly before Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel, Golan faced accusations of antisemitism after he attacked Israel’s Charedi population, calling them a “parasitic population.”

“It is impossible to have a huge population that is growing at a rapid rate, a parasitic population in the State of Israel,” Golan stated in a Sept. 11, 2023, interview with Israel’s public Kan Reshet Bet radio station.

The U.S. Embassy in Yerushalayim has reportedly refused to invite Ben-Gvir, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and other members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition of conservative and religious parties to official events.

A survey published on May 30 by the Direct Polls Institute projected that the Labor Party under Golan’s leadership would win eight seats in Israel’s 120-member legislature if elections were to be called.



  1. Wow! It takes a GENTILE gov’t to show the world what a low-life Golan is. As Rashi says whoever nullifies and denigrates another is really just categorizing that individual or group with his own self-same deficiencies. Golan is zera Amalek, for sure.

  2. Why do Israeli secular politicians keep calling the charedim population “parasitic” when it is the Israeli Arab population that has a much larger % of adults who don’t work, don’t serve in the IDF and take more welfare than the charedim population! The Israeli Arab population also has a majority that support terrorism and the destruction of the state. Yet , no one seems to be talking about drafting them even though they are citizens or defunding their schools or education!!!!


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