Watch: Dr. Anthony Fauci on Lessons Learned from Covid

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“Sunday Morning” senior contributor Ted Koppel talks with Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, about the current state of our nation’s response to COVID-19, and what the pandemic has taught him about science, politics, and America today.



  1. Why didn’t you hypocrites edit out the part of the video where they mention about Fauci’s involvement with the aids pandemic? Whenever I tried to inform your readers regarding his evilness with his botched aids decisions, you censor me out.

  2. Lessons learned from Covid is that not only are politicians not to be trusted, but since Covid most doctors cannot be trusted. Any doctor who believes in the Covid nonsense, the non-existing virus, or even takes a fake pcr test is suspicious of being bribed.

  3. Lessons covid 19 has taught me:
    1) Listen to your gut intuition.
    2) Don’t trust dr’s, not even my regular dr.
    3) The pharmaceuticals got their fame and power they were so desperate for using threats!
    4) we were led like sheep to the slaughter with lies.. lies.. lies and more lies.
    5) The government didn’t mean our good BUT their own stinking power.


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