Watch: Joe Biden’s Brain Malfunctions As He Tries To Talk About “Kleptocracy”

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President Joe Biden’s brain malfunctioned as he tried to talk about “kleptocracy,” during his remarks at the White House today.



  1. Love his laugh at the end. Joe’s a real tippush.
    And Peppermint Patty Psaki is concerned about PUTIN’S mental stability???!

  2. Why would you making fun of a human being, an older man? Disagree with his policies all you want, but that?

    Is that the Torah way?

  3. What a low class, immature headline. Sounds like a preteen making fun of his teacher. Seriously, grow up. As Benj mentioned, you can disagree with his policies and you can even question his mental sharpness, but making fun of a mistake? You sound worse than he does.

    • The sad joke is that he was put into the world’s highest position of power.
      Most ppl knew that he can’t control is own mind, forget about the country.
      Yet, few very evil ppl, went all out to make sure he becomes the president, by hook or by crook!
      Who is really running the country?
      Where are they running it to?
      Will we have fair election this year?
      Only Obama knows!

    • Well put.
      I think Biden is an awful president, Harris would be worse, but this type of headline is simply disgusting.

  4. Are you posters normal? Do you really believe that this Biden guy is the current US President?

  5. The guy supports teaching total insanity-gender fluidity-propaganda etc to 6 yr olds.
    Yes. A total Rasha. Mock him all you want. Ohavei Hashem Sonai Rah.


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