WATCH: Agudath Israel Presents: Torah Perspectives – A Yid’s Response to Anti-Semitism

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Agudath Israel of America is proud to introduce a compelling new initiative, Torah Perspectives, designed to provide profound wisdom and valuable insights from gedolei Yisroel and prominent rabbonim. This series aims to address contemporary issues through the timeless lens of Torah, offering guidance, inspiration, and chizuk to the wider Jewish community.

Torah Perspectives is hosted by Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger, Agudath Israel’s Director of Torah Initiatives.

The inaugural episode, titled “A Yid’s Response to the Challenge of Antisemitism Today,” delves into one of the most pressing issues facing the Jewish community. This critical discussion features two distinguished guests:

  • Hagaon Rav Elya Brudny, rosh yeshivah of Mirrer Yeshiva and chaver of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah
  • Hagaon Rav Lipa Geldwerth, rav of Congregation Kol Torah of Flatbush and maggid shiur at Yeshiva Torah Temimah

Together, the esteemed rabbonim engage in a heartfelt and intellectually stimulating conversation that addresses the complexities of antisemitism in today’s world. They explore how Torah values and principles can guide a Yid‘s response, offering practical advice and support.

Torah Perspectives promises to be an ongoing source of enlightenment and insight, drawing on the timeless wisdom of the Torah and our chachomim to navigate contemporary challenges. Stay tuned for future episodes that will continue to explore critical topics and provide invaluable guidance rooted in Torah.



  1. Halevai that they should have pointed to the real way of stopping this Terrible Anti-Semitism that HKB”H is instigating the Nations to hate us.
    And that is to train ourselves and our children to have Sincere caring and true compassion for every decent Human Being, including the Non-Yidden. Each one of us can do a Cheshbon Hanefesh to see, how do we really feel about the well-being of anyone of the Umos Ho’olom. How do our children talk about this subject.
    Misquoting a Phrase from Chazal, “Halacha Byidua Sh’Eisov Soneh etc”, where the real wording is “V’halo Byidua”, is not going to placate HKB”H. And besides the word Eisov does not refer to Goyim, it refers to Yakov’s brother Eisov.

    • You could have said it in short. ‘Be truthfully nice to all decent Goyim, and Hashem will make that they will be nice to you’.

    • Interesting that there’s thousands of years of history to learn from, but you quote none of it, Tuvia.

      There’s G-d’s words in the Torah, chazal and thousand of seforim from our greatest Ovdei Hashem, but you quote none of it.

      Instead you quote a Moses Mendelsohn idea. How did that work out?

      • “How did that work out”? Well, we are thinking about the Inquisition, Pogroms, Taach Vtaat, Holocaust, Etc. How did anything work out?.
        When the Mitzreim were drowned, it wasn’t because they didn’t do some Mitzvohs, it was because they drowned the Yiddishe Kinder. Middoh Kneged Middoh. Same with Haman. That’s how HKB”H operates.

  2. אם יסתר איש במסתרים ואנו לא אראנו נאם. ה׳.
    If you will have hidden dislike to your fellow human being (but on the outside you will act as a good neighbor), will I not reveal that to him, Ne’um Hashem.
    And the results of that are the protests in the colleges.

  3. Anyone have a link to JDL or Kahana approach of beating the daylights out of em so they know consequences will ensue if you hurt a Jew?


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