WH Pulls Chad Wolf Nomination After He Says Trump Should ‘Strongly Condemn’ Protesters

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The White House on Thursday announced acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf‘s nomination to serve in a permanent capacity had been withdrawn, shortly after he called on President Trump to “strongly condemn” the violence that took place at the U.S. Capitol the day prior.

Wolf issued a statement Thursday morning calling the events “tragic and sickening” and said it was “unacceptable” that some supporters of Trump resorted to violence “as a means to achieve political ends.”

Less than two hours after Wolf issued the statement, the White House announced that Trump had withdrawn his nomination to be the permanent secretary of Homeland Security. The Senate was not expected to take up Wolf’s nomination before President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated later this month.

White House spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement that the withdrawal occurred on Wednesday and “was not related at all to Wednesday’s events or the Acting Secretary’s comments this morning.

Read more at The Hill.



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