WHAT’S IN A NAME? Dovid and Avigayil Top Israeli Names for 2023

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On Tuesday, Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics released the list of the most popular baby names for 2023.

The CBS data revealed that Avigayil was the most common name chosen for Jewish girls in Israel in 2023, with 1,278 girls named Avigayil. Following close behind was Ayala, given to 1,171 newborns, and Tamar, given to 1,113.

Additional commonly chosen names for girls included Sarah, Maya, Noa, Yael, Esther, Libi, and Chana.

For Jewish boys, Dovid topped the list as the most common name in 2023, with 2.7% (1,760) of Jewish boys being named Dovid. The second most popular name for Jewish boys was Levi, given to 1,415 boys, followed by Yosef, given to 1,324 boys.

Other prevalent names for Jewish boys were Refoel, Ariel, Ori, Ari, Moshe, Noam, and Yehuda.

In Israel overall, Mohammed was the leading name for boys, with 12% of Muslim parents choosing this name for their sons in 2023. This reflects a decrease from the early 2000s when 17% of boys were named Mohammed.

{Matzav.com Israel}


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