WHERE’S JOE? Report: Biden Turns Down Israeli PM Netanyahu’s Invite

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President Joe Biden has reportedly declined an invitation from Israeli Prime Minister bIBI Netanyahu for a “solidarity visit” in the wake of the devastating terrorist attacks by Hamas.

According to the Time of Israel, White House National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson responded to the leaked invitation, stating, “We have no new travel to announce.”

The reason behind Biden’s refusal for the visit remains unknown at this time. The relationship between the president and Netanyahu has been strained since Biden took office. They even struggled to arrange a White House meeting, which finally took place in September of the current year,

Initially, Biden rejected the traditional White House invitation for Netanyahu, raising concerns about the prime minister’s proposed judicial reforms and the presence of far-right parties in his coalition. However, when Israel’s president, Isaac Herzog, visited the White House in July, the snub garnered attention and criticism. Biden eventually relented but didn’t commit to a White House visit.

In recent weeks, both leaders have moderated their stances. Netanyahu has expressed his desire for compromise with the Israeli opposition on judicial reform, and Biden has effusively praised the U.S.-Israel relationship.

Following the horrific Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, which claimed the lives of over 1,300 people, mostly civilians, Joe Biden has consistently expressed his support for Israel’s right to self-defense. He emphasized that if the United States faced a situation similar to what Israel experienced, their response would be swift, decisive, and overwhelming.

Biden denounced the Hamas terrorist attack as a “violation of every code of human morality” and highlighted the organization’s stated purpose of targeting Jews. He drew parallels to historical attempts to carry out the “genocide of the Jewish people.”




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