White Supremacist Group Hangs Anti-Semitic, Pro-Kanye Banner Over L.A. Highway

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Gathering above a busy Los Angeles freeway, members of a white supremacist hate group displayed banners in support of Kanye West and his recent antisemitic rhetoric. The banners hung above Interstate 405 read: “Kanye is right about the Jews” and “Honk if you know,” as well as references to several New Testament verses, including one regarding “the synagogue of Satan.”

The ralliers—photographed raising their arms in a Nazi salute—were identified as affiliates of the “Goyim Defense League,” a loosely organized antisemitic network, according to the Anti-Defamation League. Also present was the Goyim Defense League’s leader, Jon Minadeo, according to Oren Segal, vice president of the ADL’s Center on Extremism. Police dispatched to the scene were confronted by Minadeo, who began yelling at an officer about “diversity hires” and “immigrants taking over America thanks to Jewish laws,” according to StopAntisemitism, a non-profit watchdog. The group’s weekend assembly comes two weeks after West tweeted out that he was “going death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE.” On Wednesday, the rapper stood by his comments in an interview with Piers Morgan, repeating that he was “absolutely not” sorry he’d made them.

Read more at The Wrap.


  1. Just plain and simple ignorance. These “Goyim” are so stupid that they don’t even know they’re worshipping a dead Jew with a diaper on a stick!

  2. Moshiach is coming. White supremacist hate group is featuring a Black antisemite.

    This is akin to man bites dog newsworthiness.

  3. They are probably just plain anti-Semites. White supremacists don’t usually follow the lead of or rally behind black anti-Semites.


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