WOKE FAIL: Department of Defense Posts LGBTQ Graphic for PTSD Awareness Month, Gets Roasted

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The US Department of Defense (DOD) is being roasted online for posting a rainbow LGBTQ pride graphic on X, in a post recognizing PTSD Awareness Month.

The federal government has recognized June as the official PTSD awareness month since 2014.

To commemorate the month, the DOD posted saying: “June is PTSD Awareness Month and the DoD is committed to supporting service members and veterans affected by PTSD,”. The post continued: “If you or someone you know is struggling, help is available. “You are not alone,”.

The problem? Instead of posting a graphic in support of veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, the DOD posted an image of the “Progress Pride Flag” along with the phrase “Celebrate Pride Month 2024” to its 6.5 million followers.

The pride post was later deleted and replaced, but it was too late.

“I’ve got PTSD from having LQBTQ propaganda shoved in my face for the same month,” said one commenter.

Another commentator said: “Yea, and this is why no one is joining the service. My dad [is] a veteran can’t even get his medicines on time from the VA and you concentrate on this,”.

A user wrote: “America doesn’t subscribe to your WOKE ideology, @DeptofDefense,”, and many others commented along the same lines.

Summing it up, one commentator simply wrote: “Shame!”.



  1. The democrat party stands for toaiva. This was not a “mistake”. Wicked evil party. Cursed is the one who votes for any of them.

  2. The pro Palestinian protesters are doing 1 good thing: They’re blocking the Philadelphia filth parade.
    The mayor of Tel Aviv stopped the filth parade this year but Yerushalayim cannot be stopped.


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