World War II-Era Bomb Safely Detonated At Sea After Mass Evacuation In Britain

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A 1,100-pound World War II-era bomb discovered in Plymouth, England has been safely detonated at sea, the British Defense Ministry said.

Some 10,000 people were evacuated from their homes during the transportation of the bomb, which was found in a residential backyard, down to the seaside via military convoy, according to the Associated Press.

“I think it is fair to say that the last few days will go down in history for Plymouth,” said Tudor Evans, leader of Plymouth City Council, according to the report.

The Defense Ministry identified the munition as “an air-dropped German bomb from World War II, designated SC-500,” which was “assessed as posing a significant risk to public safety.”

“The success of this operation is testament to the level of skill and expertise across our Armed Forces, as well as the bravery and fortitude of our personnel when faced with high-risk situations and working under extreme pressure,” stated Grant Shapps, the defense secretary.

Plymouth, which is “home to major naval bases for centuries, was one of the most heavily bombed cities in Britain during World War II,” according to AP. “Fifty-nine separate air raids killed 1,174 civilians, according to local officials. The raids destroyed almost 3,800 homes, and heavily damaged another 18,000.”

Some 10% of German bombs dropped on Britain during the war didn’t go off, according to ABC News. JNS


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