Yehuda Wald: Deri Shouldn’t Come To War Cabinet Meetings Until Chareidim Enlist

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Religious Zionist Party Director Yehuda Wald shared a forceful message on social media criticizing Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri’s role in the War Cabinet.

“Aryeh Deri shouldn’t come to the War Cabinet meetings anymore until he makes a true step to bring substantial chareidi enlistment,” Wald wrote.

He continued, “He cannot morally and ethically send me and my friends to the battlefield to fight for the country while he sits quietly on the side and doesn’t do enough to ensure that his children and his voters’ children enlist and fight with us. I’ve had enough.”

Meretz Chairman Uri Zaki questioned Wald in a comment: “Didn’t you vote for the exemption this week? I’m confused.” Wald replied, “No. We voted to continue Benny Gantz’s plan. This is a starting point for discussions that will be held in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee to form an updated law.”

He further added, “I expect Deri and his chareidi colleagues in the government to get involved, find solutions, advance significant measures, and understand that we need a substantial change in light of the war.”

{ Israel}


    • The army is a secular authoritarian framework and Hareidi parents will not send their children there after investing twenty years of time and considerable financial sacrifice to raise them as yirei shamayim. Autonomous civil service frameworks under Hareidi leadership must be developed where hareidi men unable to learn Torah all day can help support the war effort without being subjected to the authoritarian whims of a secular leadership.

  1. The army is a secular authoritarian framework and Hareidi parents will not send their children there after investing twenty years of time and considerable financial sacrifice to raise them as yirei shamayim. Autonomous civil service frameworks under Hareidi leadership must be developed where hareidi men unable to learn Torah all day can help support the war effort without being subjected to the authorian whims of a secular leadership.

  2. As per Rav Elchonon Wasserman, the Brisker Rav and all the rest, “Religious Zionism” is “a sea of heresy mixed in with a drop of Torah”. Therefore, this heretic’s opinion is not relevant to Judaism.

  3. Where is Yehuda Wald on the secular richies, the Tel Avivian Shenkins, who don’t serve in the army and don’t serve G-d?


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