55% of Seculars Prefer Not to Buy Eidah Hachareidus Badatz Products

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badatzWhile the secular boycott of food products with an Eidah Hachareidus stamp did not catch on, a recent poll shows it did have potential. A joint Ynet and Gehser Foundation survey suggests that the majority of seculars prefer not to purchase food products supervised by the Badatz of the Eidah Hachareidus, so as not to support members of the Badatz community.

Hatred by the seculars toward chareidim in general is nothing knew and seems to grow with time.

The poll indicated that a third of seculars endorse a full out boycott of the Badatz of the Eidah Hachareidus.

The survey was conducted by the Panels research institute and included 504 respondents – a national sample representing the mature population in large Jewish communities in Israel. The maximal sampling error was ±4.4%.

Asked whether they would endorse a boycott of Eidah Hachareidus Badatz products, 37% responded they oppose any type of boycott, 23% said that given a choice they would purchase products with other hashgachos, 21% stated they endorse a boycott, 11% said they prefer Badatz products for the level of supervision, while 8% did not have an opinion on the matter.

 An analysis according to religious affiliation indicated that 30% of seculars would not purchase Eidah Hachareidus products and 25% would prefer products with other stamps; 88% of the chareidi public would opt for Badatz due to their high level of supervision, whereas 49% of traditionalists and 41% of the religious public oppose any type of boycott.

The survey further indicated that 70% of seculars and 63% of traditionalists oppose boycotting businesses which are mechallel Shabbos, whereas 76% of charedim and 68% of the religious public were understanding of such boycotts.

 The poll also suggested that the Israeli public is generally indifferent to boycotts of certain groups within society.

{Ynet/Yair Alpert-Matzav.com Israel}


  1. Why would anyone believe what YNet has to say? Secular Jews are not used to checking labels of the priducts they buy, so that while they may, in theory, support a boycott, I am sure that L’maaseh, they slip more often than not.

  2. Jews boycotting Jews. Arabs boycotting Jews. EU boycotting Jews. When will we learn that the only way we can live in peace with the rest of the world, we first have to live in peace with ourselves.

  3. “Hatred by the seculars toward chareidim in general is nothing knew and seems to grow with time.”

    These statements only cause a vicious cycle of hatred on BOTH sides.

  4. #1 & #3 You are showing your ignorance of secular jews, you have no idea how large the percentage is of Israelis that eat kosher. You are clueless.

    BTW many frum residents of Israel are getting fed up with the demos, damage and destruction of property within their communities, i dont know if they will boycott the Badatz yet it is a possibility.

  5. eidas call not to share buissnes or buy things in and from israel is no pollitical move but a hallachik.
    it is forbidden to have hannah from a produkt that was produced by means of an avera . the same with investing money in buissnesses who openly or even secretly break shabbos , since you are investing you are becoming partner in something that was brought about by a davar averah and even worse the one who breaks shabbos could be even called your shliach since you are derriving profit from his breaking shabbos.
    there was lately so much neturei karta and netruna talks around that people instantly think when they hear someone talk about issurim and hallacha that it is NK .
    but not here i think ! it is leshem shamayim

  6. To #5,

    I agree with your statement. It is our mission as frum jews to reach out to the secular jews. Unfortunately, it appears that some are failing in this area.

  7. I’m pretty sure the questions were skewed to get the answers they wanted. Tell them tnuva, elite and most large israeli companies have the badatz and ask again


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