Texts from spammers feel far worse that emails from spammers, or Facebook and/or Twitter direct messages from spammers. A person’s private phone number is not a part of the social media grindhouse, so it’s never fun to pull up your mobile device after something buzzes or beeps or flashes, expecting to read something pertinent from someone you trust with your phone number, only to realize that some bot on the other end is trying to sell you something.
Still, in the era of unlimited text messaging plans, it’s quickly forgotten. Unless you’re ex-Los Angeles Clippers fan Ari Friedman. According to TMZ, while attending a recent Clippers game, Ari reportedly wanted a message to the Clippers to be shown on the scoreboard for all to see. What followed was apparently a bit of a nuisance.
From TMZ:
The guy behind the lawsuit is Ari Friedman — who claims he went to a game at Staples Center and participated in one of those arena games where you can send a text message to the team that could get posted on the stadium scoreboard.
In a lawsuit, Ari claims the team assured fans they would not share cell phone information or send return text messages, but, alas, Ari claims the Clips broke that promise.
After the game, Ari says he got hit with text message spam which traced back to the Clippers. He’s upset because incoming text messages can cost several cents in charges.
Ari is reportedly suing the team for $5 million, according to TMZ. A billion of those nickel-plated texts, basically.
Clippers owner Donald Sterling has been taken to court by all manner of ex-coaches, executives and scouts after he welched out on paying them what they were assured when they signed a contract. Now Sterling is going to have to deal with this suit.
May the best man win.
Read the story at YAHOO.
{Matzav.com Newscenter}
Good for him. I hope he wins. I never likes the CLippers organization.
no chance
it’s extremely easy to program in every single phone # out there, and have the computer send the text to all on the list
unlike email addresses, where you have to “guess” at what someone’s address is, by phone #’s it’s always exactly 10 digits
which Ari Freedman is this?
its great PR
Fantastic keep it up
What does doc rivers have to say about this after he booked from here in Boston and went to the Clips?
May Ari be matzliach!
is this related to the suit with the frequent flyer miles?>
all these ridiculous lawsuits. let them give him 50$ and thats it.
My name is Ari Friedman (aka Arye). I work in Los Angeles as an attorney on La Brea Avenue.
There must be more than one Ari Friedman in Los Angeles. News to me. Since I am getting numerous phone calls asking if this is me.
That being said, I hope he wins.
U shod be mqtzluach and btw can I have 1 mil if u win tks pls rite back
Sincerly pl
You deserve it for being a clipper fan
why dont you post my comments.
Our way is just the opposite; creating kiddush Hashem by not running after money and returning $98,000 that doesn’t belong to us. Let’s be a light into the nations; not a laughingstock (or worse).
The Miami Heat will repeat as champions this year! The knicks can start planning their vACATION ALREADY.