Business Halacha: Shipping Costs for Returned Items

Question: I bought a 220V fridge for aliya and shipped it in my lift. I also bought some smaller, universal voltage appliances (shaver, disc...

Erev Yom Kippur: Lots of Candy – How Many Brachos?

Generally, the halacha is that when a person makes a bracha on a food, the bracha is in effect so long as he does...

Business Halacha: My Card Collection and My Non-Bar Mitzvah Friend

Question: A boy entrusted his card collection to a friend. If one of them is not yet bar mitzvah, is there liability of guardianship...

Cooking for a Slave on Yom Tov

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld We learn that one is not allowed to cook food on Yom Tov for a non-Jew in Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim,...

Sukkah 2: See-Through S’chach

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medresh Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he received semichah. He has...

Hamapil, Flowers On Shavuos

-One who goes to sleep after Alos Hashachar Shavuos morning (or on any day) does not say the beracha of Hamapil. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah...

But What Could Be the Problem With…

By Rabbi Tzvi Rosen, Star-K Kashrus Administrator; Editor, Kashrus Kurrents As Pesach nears, the grocery bills mount and the bank account dwindles, the Jewish housewife...

Yevamos 59: The Well-Fed Dog

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he receivedsemichah. He has written several seforim...

Taanis 14: Davening for the Sick On Shabbos

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he receivedsemichah. He has written several seforim...

Rav Moshe Shternbuch: Anonymous Bone Marrow Donation

A person  received a letter from a hospital, apparently in Eretz Yisroel, that his bone marrow was needed to save a dying patient with...

Audio: Rav Shurkin On Tzitzis

The following shiur, on tzitzis, was delivered on  Sunday morning at Bais Medrash Kol Yehuda-Brook Hill Ashkenaz Shul in Lakewood, NJ. The shiur was...

Video: Medicines & Halacha: Will Obamacare Medicines be Kosher? presents a video of STAR-K's Telekosher Conference Series' most recent webinar on the topic of "Medicines & Halacha-Will Obamacare Medicines be...

Candy is Dandy: The Kashrus of Sweets

By Rabbi Tzvi Rosen, Star-K Kashrus Administrator; Editor, Kashrus Kurrents Walking through a candy store leaves one with little doubt that great creative genius has...

Must Women Hear Zachor?

Many opinions (incl. Minchas Chinuch, Chasam Sofer, Maharil Diskin, Minchas Elozor, and many others) rule that women are obligated in the reading...

Six Count for a Minyan?

If one began saying Kaddish (or Kedusha, Chazoras Hashatz, Nesias Kapayim, Krias Hatorah, or Haftorah) with the requisite minyan of ten, and then one...

A 49-Hour Fast

By Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair Can you imagine what it must be like for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, to last two days? For...

The Debriciner Rov: Swimming on 17 Tammuz?

Is swimming permitted on 17 Tammuz? Technically speaking says the Debriciner Rov, Rav Moshe Stern in Shu"t Be'er Moshe (3:73) it is permissible. The...

Krias Shema Before the Zeman

One should be very diligent in making sure to recite Krias Shema each morning and evening before the end of the proper z'man. The...

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