Halachically, Is One Allowed To Live In A Disaster Prone Area?

By Rav Yitzchok Grossman The 2016 Central Italy Earthquake Italians held a state funeral recently to mourn 37 of the 292 known deaths of the earthquake...

Shmira on Shabbos

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld The Tur in Orach Chaim, siman resh samech zayin tells us that when we daven Maariv on Shabbos we don’t finish the bracha of Hashkiveinu with the words of Shomer amo yisroel lo’ad like we...

Rav Wosner: Are Woman Obligated To Say Hallel On Chanuka?

Even though it is a Mitzvas Aseh SheHaZman Grama, the gemara (Shabbos 23a) says that women are obligated in the Mitzva of Ner Chanuka...

Sukkah 18: Hanging Walls

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medresh Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he received semichah. He has...

Videos: The Laws of Sukkah

Make your Sukkos an entirely new experience with Torah Live's set of amazing free videos: 1. Four animations about the laws of building a kosher sukka: How...

Business Halacha: Recourse Exists If An Item Was Overpriced Or Underpriced

Question: I rented a house for $6,000 a month. It later became clear that I was swindled and comparable rentals in the area are...

WATCH: Let’s Talk Kashrus – The Kashrus Control Room: Industrial Kashrus Systems

Everyone loves to know what goes on behind the scenes. Today we take a tour of a typical factory with Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka, Senior...

The Great “Open Milk Bottle Controversy”

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times The controversy has been raging on for close to two decades now. And it has appeared...

Hilschos Tisha B’Av: A Review

By Rabbi Yissachar Dov Krakowski, Matzav.com The following is meant as a convenient review of Halachos pertaining to Tisha B'Av. The Piskei Din for the most...

Terumah and Maaser – Any Concerns Now?

Q. May I currently purchase and consume Israeli fruit, such as clementines, without separating Terumah and Maaser? A. In theory, fruit which grew or blossomed...

Audio: Rav Shurkin On Tagin in Safrus and Meleches Koisev on Shabbos

The following shiur was delivered at Bais Medrash Kol Yehuda-Brook HillAshkenaz Shul in Lakewood, NJ, and is posted exclusively here onMatzav.com l'illuy nishmas Rav...

Pesach: Symbolism Over Substance

By Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky The entire Seder ceremony is replete with symbolic gestures. We drink four cups of wine to...

Erev Yom Kippur: Lots of Candy – How Many Brachos?

Generally, the halacha is that when a person makes a bracha on a food, the bracha is in effect so long as he does...

Watch: A Kapparos Chicken Lost Amongst Others


Making a Siyum During the Nine Days

Q. May I learn with the intention to make a Siyum during the Nine Days so that a meat meal can be served? May...

What’s the Source? Chai Rotel and Minhagim of Lag Ba’omer

By Moishe Friedman One hundred years ago, there lived in Lemberg a shochet named Rav Avrohom Yitzchok Sperling zt"l. As a young man, he was always interested...

Yoma 60: Writing Hashem’s Name Out of Order

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medresh Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he received semichah. He has...

Case Study: Your Neighbor Attracts Unwanted Rodents

Can one restrict his neighbor from using his own property? The following shiur was delivered by Rabbi Yehonoson Dovid Hool. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN. {Matzav.com Newscenter}

Mishna Berura Yomi: Invest 15 Minutes a Day to Become a Ben Olam Haba

This Friday, Yud Tes Kislev, Nov. 26, the new five year cycle for learning Mishna Berura Yomi begins. Just as the learning of Daf...

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