A passenger on a JetBlue flight stopped at John F. Kennedy International Airport tonight at about 9 p.m. was evaluated and cleared following concerns that they were infected with measles, officials said.
The plane was secured at a JFK handstand area after it landed in New York from Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, WPIX reported. All customers were cleared and the flight deplaned normally.
Sources indicate that the “concerns” aboard flight 410 from Santo Domingo to JFK were unfounded, and were started after someone alerted flight staff about a child who “appeared to have measles,” when, in fact, the symptoms were nothing more than mosquito bites.
The family in question – the parents and three children – were all vaccinated.
The father of the family is a renowned Jewish singer who resides in Toms River, NJ.
Watch JetBlue staff in discussion with the passengers:
{Matzav.com Newscenter}
Raboisuy, this is what a police state looks like. Our jackbooted stormtroop government has taken over all our freedoms. These thugs can just barge onto a plane and harass an innocent taxpaying legal citizen couple. It’s a good thing they didn’t resist or someone would of been shot. Since when has OUR government been given permission to rule over us with an iron fist? Since when have they been given the green light to lord over us? Are we slaves to OUR OWN government?! You sheeple asked for it and now you’ve got it. You’ve allowed the corrupt NSA, FBI, CIA, DNC, Democrat Party, etc…to run roughshod over you. Just be contrite. Put your head down and follow our commands. WE know what’s best for you. You’re to dumb and stupid to think for yourselves.
Back when I was growing up, TV told a lot more truth than it does today. It’s gotten worse and worse as the decades rolled by. In this great video above, you’ll see many TV shows from the Flintstones to the Brady Bunch and others where Measles was joked about and was NOT a big deal at all! In fact, it was just a part of growing up. Your body learned how to destroy the Measles quickly and that was it! Enter today’s reality where you have Fox News and the rest of the paid liars on TV telling you to get your vaccines and Measles is a very big deal indeed! They spread FEAR and they tell you it’s so SCARY and you must RUN to get your Measles vaccine immediately. Even our President is telling people to get the vaccines. Did Trump hit his head or have they drugged him? Because I know Trump knows a lot more about vaccines than he’s telling. Trump called out the Flu Vaccine as a TOTAL HOAX!
See Dr. Palevsky in his FB post this week re US Navy’s acknowledgment of MMR vaccine cause of mumps outbreak
The father of the family is a renowned Jewish singer who resides in Toms River, NJ.
Please don’t blame Jet Blue, blame our phony Antifa Jewish leaders for creating this, not to forget the racist criminal NYC Mayor Bill Delusional. Family is my sons neighbor in Toms River.
And once again matzav giving a forum to the anti Vaxxers . spreading lies and shekkar. now it is against Daas Torah not to vaccinate and against the law of the land . You are going against Halacha and American law. I hope the next step you will all be put in cherem.
Bubby , please realize that there is another side to the story. How can it be that the govt vaccine compensation board paid out about $4 billion dollars so far to families who brought very strong medical evidence that their child was severely damaged or killed from a vaccine? Consider the case of Chase Boatman who died from SIDS.
Here is the actual court case document:
Here is an excerpt:
“In this case, I have concluded, after review of the
evidence, that it is more likely than not that the vaccines played a substantial causal role in the
death of J.B. without the effect of which he would not have died. The role of inflammatory
cytokines as neuro-modulators in the infant medulla has been well described and is likely the
reason for a significant number of SIDS deaths occurring in conjunction with mild infection. I
have concluded that it is more likely than not that the vaccine-stimulated cytokines had the same
effect in this vulnerable infant during sleep.
Accordingly, petitioners are entitled to compensation. ”
Are you saying that the federal court is “spreading lies and shekkar” also?
Bubby, consider yourself lucky and thank Hashem that your grandchildren were not harmed from any vaccines. Unfortunately not every grandmother has this bracha.
Bubby, please take the few minutes and watch this video. You will understand that every vaccine carries a risk – whether it is from a contaminated vaccine or because a child has a genetic makeup that makes them more susceptible to damage from vaccines (i.e., those with mitochondrial disorders, such as Hannah Poling. The govt court admitted that a vaccine she received triggered her autism. Her father, a neurologist, still believes in vaccines but says it cannot be one-size-fits all. Pediatricians have to make safer vaccine choices based on each individual child. Do you believe that Dr. Poling is spreading “lies and shekkar” also?)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPHZFQFpZrY (get the tissues ready)
Why do you write FALSE? The story looks true
Maybe JET BLUE should pay reparations to this family for going through this. I think 1,000,000 air miles should be fair.
Maybe he contacted the virus singing the national anthem at a ball game
Perspective please.
If a Muslim male was behaving erratically on an airplane or in the airport one would expect the authorities to exercise additional scrutiny.
Similarly, if a Hasidic Jew or his kids look ill and have something resembling a rash , one shouldn’t be surprised if they are subjected to additional scrutiny.
I thought profiling was a good thing .
You’re comment is to stupid to comment.
If you don’t have the brains to see the difference between a Muslim acting erratically and a Jew doing nothing then……
Kudos to the singer and family for acting calmly, like menschen, and keeping the peace.
Is there a belzer shteeble in the Dominican republic?
Yes. It has turned into a Minyan factory. Very geshmak place.
There was a Pesach program there, and presumably the singer was part of it.
If I were coming two years ago on a flight from Africa to the US and suspected someone on the flight had Ebola symptoms I surly would alert the flight crew about it. I don’t think Jet Blue is at all to blame for this episode.
What do you expect?
The press and govt are producing nazi level propaganda.
Merck is terrified that people will finally realize that the mmr vaccine has been responsible for countless deaths and lifelong serious illnesses.
The CDC officials are basically working for merck, producing false data and outright lies to deceive the sheeple.
All govt agencies that are designated to protect the public from industry, actually only protect the industry they are tasked with policing.
What do you expect?
The press and govt are producing nazi level propaganda.
Merck is terrified that people will finally realize that the mmr vaccine has been responsible for countless deaths and lifelong serious illnesses.
The CDC officials are basically working for merck, producing false data and outright lies to deceive the sheeple.
All govt agencies that are designated to protect the public from industry, actually only protect the industry they are tasked with policing.