Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) said he was pained to read Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s comments in The Atlantic which unfairly stereotype Orthodox Jews as “Black Hats” and belittle the seriousness with which his community has reacted to attacks on the age-old tradition of circumcision.
“The mayor is certainly entitled to his opinion on traditional circumcision but it’s demeaning the way he characterizes it. Metzitzah b’peh is not a point of view-it’s a religious tenet. The mayor is certainly at liberty to take on unpopular issues, but describing his constituents in a demeaning and derogatory way is unbecoming of the mayor’s office. It’s insensitive and it’s offensive.
“Mr. Mayor, my community deserves more respect.”
“When Mayor Bloomberg decided to run for a third term, he came to our community seeking favor with the Hareidi community-he asked Orthodox, Torah-observant Jews to support his candidacy,” said the Assemblyman.” Now when he finds those same people unanimously frightened by his personal agenda and aggressive stance against Metzitzah b’peh, he quips, ‘Who wants to have 10,000 guys in black hats outside your office screaming?’ But we weren’t Black Hats when he needed us.”
{Andy Newscenter}
Dov, you’re %100 right! Bloomberg is a Kaffu tov Rasha but Matzav feels the need to cover up for him! Can’t understand why! Unless someone is breathing down their neck!
Let Bloomberg make the same comment about the Black community………
we need al sharpton
Bloomberg still wins !
Nobody cares because every one is busy with the storm
We should’ve yelled before the last election
But hey if you have a picture of him eating cake from a silver platter
In an askans fancy house you vote for him right ?
Fyi someone who violates Torah Does Not have a right to his opinion on how others keep it
Maybe it is time to call for a recall of this Rasha.