Legislation Will Create 100,000 New Parking Spots in New York City Near Hydrants

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parking-hydrantCouncil Members David Greenfield (D-Brooklyn) and Daniel Dromm (D-Queens) have introduced bills that would create as many as 100,000 new parking spots in New York City and save New Yorkers from thousands of parking tickets.

Last week, Greenfield introduced legislation that would curb tickets in New York City by painting the curbs near all of New York’s 109,800 fire hydrants red. Dromm introduced legislation that would decrease the distance drivers need to leave when parking near a fire hydrant from 15 feet to 10 feet.

Greenfield’s legislation, already supported by over half a dozen of his colleagues, would require the City to paint the curbs adjacent to fire hydrants red to the exact length that drivers are prohibited from parking near a hydrant.

“These are common sense solutions to everyday problems,” said Councilman Greenfield. “Drivers shouldn’t have to keep a tape measure in their glove boxes to determine where they can park. Many drivers park far away from hydrants to avoid parking tickets and are unintentionally taking up several feet that could be used for an additonal parking spot. Others park too close, and incur the wrath of a traffic enforcement agent. Our legislation ensures that drivers, and traffic enforcement agents, have an easy way to follow New York’s complex parking laws.”

Dromm introduced a bill, which Greenfield is supporting, that would reduce the distance a car must be parked from a hydrant from 15 feet to 10 feet. Greenfield and Dromm are asking that these bills be considered jointly, to ensure that the City would not have to repaint curbs if Dromm’s legislation were passed subsequent to Greenfield’s.

“These two bills would create thousands of new parking spaces in New York City,” explained Councilman Dromm. “In fact, many other municipalities around the country have these rules and they work. It is rather surprising that New York has not adopted them.”

“The law requiring 15 feet of free space on each side of a fire hydrant was adopted to allow fire trucks to park directly in front of hydrants,” Dromm said. “However, fire trucks rarely take the time to parallel-park when responding to an emergency. An engine company will simply double-park in front of a hydrant and run a hose, making the 15 foot rule obsolete. Allowing for a 10 foot no parking zone on either side of the hydrant will ensure that first responders have adequate space for maneuvering their equipment, while allowing New York City more space to meet ever-growing demand for street-side parking.”


  1. tipshim !!
    limit amount of cars in a zip code!
    limit the housing on a block!
    limit the new buildings!
    no house without parking spot, if no parking spot a garage in the area must be built!

    100,000 parking spaces is a short and dumb solution for such an epidemic

  2. bp calm down ! 100,000 is more than any other legislature has ever suggested ! If greenfield wins 100,000 than somebody else can win another 100,000! What u are recommending is unrealistic for a city as great as new york.

  3. I understand that Lakewood is a small villiage in comparison to the big new york, however, lakewood does mark the area one is not permitted to park within a fire hydrant, and it is less than 10 feet on each side. If we are in the painting mode, a lne should be painted by meters to prevent cars infringing on the spot of the next meter. This too can save many parking spots. Also there are certain locations (this won’t work everywhere)that would do well if lines are painted to show the exact area of the parking. This too will ensure maximum parking. Again, this is done in lakewood and it works well.

  4. I once read somewhere that the way they decided where to put fire hydrants was by finding an available parking spots and ‘planting’ fire hydrants there.

  5. To #1: Did you even bother reading the article??? Not one thing is mentioned about broken hydrants!!! Please try to keep your comments relevant to the article they follow.

  6. How about getting all the cars that have out of state plates and live in NY out of NY. That would free up quite a few spaces for New Yorkers.

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