Man Refuses to Give Up On Dream Of Being A Father

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“Mommy” and “Daddy” are names that most have the privilege of being called at some point in their lives. Rabbi & Rebbetzin Podetzer of Beit Shemesh, however, have had no such privilege.

After 14 years of marriage and countless difficult treatments, they have yet to succeed in having a child of their own. They have taken on the raising of their nephew, a special needs 5-year-old boy who does not speak. They love and cherish the boy, but dream of having children of their own.

For years they have endured the trauma of the cycle of hope and crushing disappointment. For nearly 15 years they have attended brisos and kiddushes, wondering when they will have their chance. However they have refused to give up hope.

Rabbi Podetzer has started a fundraising campaign, in hopes of continuing treatments. With each passing year, they have less time to fill their family with children. However, miracles are not unheard of in the world of infertility.

The video on the campaign has one particular emotional moment:“One day I will able to embrace my child,” Rabbi Podetzer says, his voice breaking slightly.

The couple is watching the campaign’s progress closely. Sufficient donations could very well mean another precious life in this world.




  1. Every week we are made aware of another sad story. Unfortunately, flooding the media with these tzedaka campaigns has had the unwanted effect of desensitizing some of us to the plight of our needy brothers and sisters. It’s almost as if you can hear an announcer saying, “This week’s sad story is…”
    How are we supposed to decide who needs our money more? Most of us don’t have loads of maaser money to distribute. Any money we do have usually goes to mosdos in our own communities. What are we to do? We want to help, but we can’t. There has to be something better than inundating us with these weekly stories. How about providing us with the names of the people so we can daven for them? That way, instead of being desensitized to their plight, we’ll feel like we’re able to do something constructive to help them.
    May Hashem grant them the yeshuos they need b’karov.

    • If you can’t contribute then don’t, but please don’t try to discourage those who need financial help from asking for it.
      Personally, I’m far from wealthy (I get tuition breaks, wear well-worn clothing and shoes, haven’t eaten out so much as a hamburger in months and so on), yet I’ll occasionally scrape together a few dollars to contribute after reading an appeal like this one. It won’t be much – maybe $5, $10 or $18 – yet even sums like those can add up.
      Furthermore, there are people who b”H have greater financial means and are willing to help. Just look at some of the appeals where contributors are listed – among the $5 donations are some in the hundreds and some in the thousands, even.
      I feel bad – even guilty sometimes – that I can’t help all those who ask, but c”v that we should discourage appeals from those in dire need, whether that need is due to health, parnassa, a shidduch or any other worthwhile request.

  2. Pkst 1 and 2, both by Mr. Anonymous, and, cute to note 11 hoirs and 41 min. apart, are both well written: both from the heart. I’m going to contribute $10 because THAT I can do and #2 legitimized donations of that amount. I also struggle to cover my monthly obligations but I do have a huge heart and sincerely do want to help. Thank you both!

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