Watch: Chavrusa Tumult, Iyar 5784, at Bais Medrash Govoah in Lakewood, NJ

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  1. Tremendous. I get such chizuk just from watching this riveting video. The action is non stop heart pounding.

    • If there’d be a Pro-Palestinian protest on that campus, you’d change your tone. What’s’ wrong with the way it is now?!

    • Also, one of the reasons you find it a bit bland is because the videographer (or drone operator) is photographing ‘anonymously; there isn’t anything personal. If you’d go with the camera among the crowd, you’d have people smiling and waving to the camera, and you’d hear people’s voices up close, and see that they are real people, just doing their best, pleasantly.

  2. I had an idea to design an app for this instead. Basically everyone would rate their chavrusa from the last man based on different factors such as timeliness, intelligence etc.. and then it can match people up similar to shidduchim in a way and save all this roaming around.

    • Someone once made an automated phone call-in system where people could put in their past yeshivos, and their learning preferences – what they want to learn, how fast etc. It made at east one chavrusa-shaft!

    • At least three key things:
      A) It’s mainly to find chavrusos for the new zman. Some people just continues with their current chavrusa, others want a change, and there are always new talmidim.
      B) It’s a nice way to meet people & catch up on news.
      C) It easies in the process to a new zman. Ask any company and they’ll tell you it is not so easy to segway into full-time work when coming back from vacation. So his helps. You also get much sunlight etc!

  3. Why the tumelt takes place on the ‘Zman time’ and not on ‘bein hazmanim time’ always has been mind boggling to me.
    Come a day or two earlier (before Zman starts) and get a chavrusa and start learning on day 1 hour 1.
    If you already have a charusa you can show up on day 1hour 1 and start learning.
    It’s like coming to Yeshivah on day 1 and going to buy seforim, suits, ties,shoes, a hat. Maybe socks and underware the you show up on day 4 to finally look for a chavrusa and then maybe start on day 6 or seven if your tired yet.
    Why is there so much time wasting on the Zman time and not on your own private time ??


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