Mesivta Building of Yeshiva Chaim Berlin Undergoing Renovations

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chaim-berlin1The building of the mesivta of Yeshiva Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, located on Coney Island Avenue, between Avenues L and M in Flatbush, Brooklyn, is currently undergoing renovations. Large scaffolding was recently erected in front of the mesivta building, which also houses the yeshiva dormitory. The renovations were arranged after it was discovered that the building’s façade had loosened and become a safety hazard to passersby below. After professional consultation, a portion of the façade is being replaced in order to guard the safety of the bochurim of the yeshiva and others walking by.

This reconstruction is being financed by a renovation grant from the Gruss foundation through the assistance of Mr. Jason Cury and Mr. Joel Beritz, whose continued support and assistance to the yeshiva has demonstrated their recognition of the accomplishment’s of this renowned mosad haTorah.

{Dovid Newscenter}


  1. why in the world is this important to anybody but to people who attend chaim berlin and they don’t allow internet in their houses so there is no need for this to be posted
    and it was not cause of a passerby rather the building was shifting

  2. The scaffolding was put up 5 months ago so that untill they start the work if anything falls it won’t fall on people


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