NY Post: Christie Under “Huge Pressure” to Run for Prez

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christie4Promises of money and support are flooding in from key GOP donors and backers desperate to get New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie into the 2012 presidential race, even as insiders say he’s unlikely to do so.

“It’s off the page,” a source said of the rash of overtures that followed yesterday’s news that he is open to considering a primary bid.

Even Christie’s most straightforward refusal “doesn’t deter them,” the source said.

Two insiders say Christie likely won’t launch a 2012 campaign, despite the clamor from Republican heavyweights has only grown following disappointing debate performances from Texas Gov. Rick Perry, once seen as the front-runner.

Perry’s downfall was even spoofed on last night’s “Saturday Night Live” where in a mock debate, the host called out to Christie, saying the race is “wide open for you.”

Perry’s collapse has come at a good time for Christie, who will be fund raising this week in Louisiana, Missouri and California, where he is scheduled to give the keynote address at a Republican leadership forum at the Ronald Reagan Library.

“Everybody has been…begging him to do this,” said one Christie pal.

“Perry has been a disappointment, and you have the perception that Perry is going down. Chris is not the kind of guy who jumps just because there’s a place to jump.”

{NY Post/Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. My question is if there are people giving him money, how will he pay these rich guts back, is it that rich will still evade the taxes and that’s why the want him?? ????

  2. Christie is NOT a conservative Republican, which is why the Republican establishment wants him. The RINOs do not want reform; they are happy with the status quo.

  3. Don’t get fooled . He is a far left wing liberal! Just like Guliani, he has ZERO chance, outside of New York/New Jersey of getting any votes! The Country won’t stomache him!


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