Rabbi Ari Wolf to Deliver Invocation at RNC

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Rabbi Ari Wolf, police chaplain in Cleveland, Ohio, has been selected to deliver an invocation at the opening of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this week, Matzav.com has learned.

The news follows the revelation, first reported on Matzav.com before Shabbos, that Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, who heads the Manhattan shul that Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, attend, backed out of the Republican National Convention because his appearance had become too politically charged

Lookstein, via email, stated that “Like my father before me, I have never been involved in politics. Politics divide people. My life has been devoted to uniting a community — Ahavat Yisrael and ahavat ha-adam. In the interest of bringing our community together, I have asked to be relieved of my commitment to deliver the invocation. My request has been honored with the same love and respect in which it was first offered and intended.”

Rabbi Wolf is a talmid of Telshe Yeshiva and cirrently serves as Director of Administrative Services of Telshe Yeshiva. A respected ben Torah and askan, he a beloved member of the Cleveland kehillah, a humble public servant who has expended time and effort for the betterment of the community.

{Gavriel Sitrit-Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. Reb Ari is a dedicated public servant in every sense of the word. He doesn’t seek recognition, or a big name. He quietly, and often discretely goes about doing for and helping everyone. Just about everyone in Cleveland has been moved by his kind, yet principled heart. The future president has a made a good choice with Rabbi Wolf.

    Mazal tov to the future president, and mazal tov to Rabbi Wolf!

  2. Wow. I was zoche to meet Rabbi Wolf many times when I would visit the Telshe Yeshiva. He is a true Torah askan in every sense of the word. But yet he is so humble. It is mamesh amazing. May he continue to be marbeh kvod shomayim for many years to come. Hatzlacha raba.

  3. Ari is a real mentch and knows how to get things done.

    Perhaps a first step to a higher and better opportunity that is long overdue.

  4. Rabbi Wolf is the epitome of chesed and emes. Everyone loves this tzadik in our times. He will do anything for anyone at any hour or time, and never seeks credit or recognition, or his name in lights. A real anav and mentch. He deserves to be in the spotlight for this major opportunity… continued success in all endeavors. Blessings to him and his wonderful family.

  5. Rabbi Wolf deserves much praise. With his powerful and heartfelt words, he showed to the nation that the Jewish community also stands up for American values, the police, the military and our blessed political system. The message is very important as so many challenges are facing the country. May he have much continued success.


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