Rabbi Lookstein’s Shul Hosting Maharat Student Lecture Series

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Kehilath Jeshurin in the Upper East Side is hosting a three part series taught by Mahart student Leah Sarna titled “Counting Time — In A Busy World, How Do We Mark What Matters?”

The timely course, featured during Sefirah, explores the various ways in which Jews count the time and the significance behind them.

Rabbi Lookstein, now emeritus, served as a rabbi of the shul since 1958. He succeeded his father, Rabbi Joseph Lookstein, in the position of senior rabbi upon his passing in 1979. He is also the emeritus principal of the Ramaz School in Manhattan.



  1. Am I the only one not clear of this is a pointless article, or promoting a barely orthodox rabbi or a advertisement?

  2. All I know he was very weak by bowing out of President Trump and the republican convention because of his ‘students’ who were appalled that he wanted to go and give a blessing… SAD

  3. He wasn’t the one who converted trumps daughter. There was a beis Din of three rabbis,one being with the ou. Trumps daughter did belong to the kehillath jesuren but has moved on to Chabad of Washington. The open orthodox movement is the new enemy of authentic Judaism.

    • The sister to sister organization is run by left wing Mo Orthodox. They sent out all sorts of ridiculous emails. But they also organize some speeches from serious people, in order to grant them legitimacy.

  4. It is appropriate to have this lecture during sefirah because Maharats and other similar abominations are the reasons for the mourning during sefirah.

  5. The question is on the current Rabbi at Jeshurun who grew up.in a proper from home and went to proper yeshivos.
    I had wanted to meet my cousin for some time, but now not so sure….

  6. Sam, I don’t know why you are surprised. The current rabbi at Jeshurun, who previously headed a shul in Montreal, has long been on the rabbinic board of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, the flagship institution of Open Orthodoxy.

  7. Ignore the ‘avirim that are so picky and naive about “news”. Not so long ago this gent’s gayruss activities were challenged? I think that the way you presented this was very sophisticated, and certainly very informing. For us in the boonies, this is urgent. Kol tov.

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