Rav Chaim Naftali Weisblum zt”l

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Rav Chaim Naftali WeisblumIt is with great sadness that we report the passing of Rav Chaim Naftali Weisblum zt”l, rov of the Neve Sha’anan neighborhood of Haifa. He was 83.

Rav Weisblum had been battling illness and was hospitalized at Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak, where he passed away

Rav Weisblum was born in Haifa, a son of Rav Yaakov Yitzchok and Rebbetzin Chana Shoshanah Weisblum. He was a descendant of Gerer mishpachos and the Noam Elimelech of Lizhensk.

His brother is Rav Uri Weisblum, renowned mashgiach of Yeshiva Nachlas Haleviim in Haifa.

For over fifty years, Rav Weisblum served in the rabbinate in Haifa’s Neve Sha’anan neighborhood and the rov of Sdeh Yaakov.

He was a mechutan of the Slonimer Rebbe and a brother-in-law of the Rebbe of Tolna.

The levaya was held this morning at the Rambam Bais Medrash in Haifa’s Neve Sha’anan neighborhood, then at the Tolna Bais Medrash in Yerushalayim, followed by kevurah on Har Hazeisim.

Yehi zichro boruch.

{Matzav.com Israel News Bureau}


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