By Yaakov and Devorah Cohen
[Video below.] Our six-year-old son, Refael Elisha, was diagnosed with a rare malignant brain tumor. There is a medication which may save his life, as well as that of two other children, but the FDA has not made it available yet. If we can obtain 100,000 signatures, the FDA will have to address this pressing issue.
We are asking the FDA to grant us a compassionate use of an experimental medication that may have the potential to save the life of our 6-year old and two other kids with rare brain cancer.
We strongly believe that we can accomplish this. I am asking you to please sign the petition and forward this to your friends and ask them to sign. It takes only few minutes!
Please help us help Rafael Elisha and other kids to get this medication.
Thank you in advance,
Yaakov & Devorah Cohen
Houston, TX.
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Why is the picture of the Mother necessary to be posted on your website? Don’t you have the policy of not showing womens faces? Can’t you get your act together?
whats the name for davening. our teffilos are with you guys. hold strong. here in eretz yisroel, were sending you hugs
So sad. May he zoche to refuah shilaima B’Karov, Bsoch shear choli Yisroel
Refael Elisha Meir ben Devorah
If you are able to make the video go on by it’s self as I was going to turn off this page but then watched the video. The last second made me cry.
cus of that
– I opened up an email account
– took me some time then will sign it
You would think that the picture of a mother with her weak and desperate child clutching on to any ounce of life left would make you cry but rather the comment made by GAM yehieh made me cry more. How can anyone be so insensitive and so inredibly far from the truth? Maybe we should add his name to the davening list.
To #1:
A family is crying for you to help out and that’s what you have to say to give them chizuk?! Lakol Z’man Vaes…!
i noticed that some people are missing one of the steps so i wrote it all out
1: Click the link above
2: Click the blue button labeled CREATE AN ACCOUNT
3: Fill in your email address , name and zip. and submit by clicking the CREATE AN ACCOUNT button
You will be emailed a link to confirm your account.
4: Open the email and click the link to confirm
You will be returned to the website.
5: Click blue button labeled SIGN THIS PETITION
Pass this on to your friends
and remember to Daven for Refael Elisha Meir Ben Devorah
and the rest of AM Yisroel
get a life number 1
because it evokes empathy which leads to action- and thats all there is to it. Hashem yerachem. our hearts and prayers are with you
to no 1 because it evokes empathy which leads to action-that’s all there is to it. Hashem yerachem. Our hearts and prayers are with you.
I think it’s Refael Elisha Meir ben Devorah
May he have a complete Refuah Bekarov, and bring only Nachas to his parents
I think the picture and video were very appropriate. They highlight what an obviously frumm and tziniusdik family of yirei-shamayim are going through, and how Rfa’el Elisha b. Dvorah amve”sh should have our complete support.
Gam Yehiyeh you are so pethetic just do whats right did u sighn the petiton did u give gelt moron stop looking and stop bla bla bla bla just give!!!!!
Please know people of all Faiths and walks of life have signed this petition and are holding this family in their hearts as we ALL pray for a miracle for Rafael Elisha!
Check out this article
About a judge who is deciding whether to force parents who are avoiding treatment for their son. Pending that the experimental treatment can work, and as stated in comment above, there’s probably nothing to loose, why do they even need the signatures. Thank you
To 16: They need the signatures because the treatment has been shown to be effective and non-toxic, and won’t benefit the big pharmaceutical companies who the government is in cahoots with.
Would Rafael’s parents please contact me urgently, on my email, [email protected]? I am a Melbourne University medical graduate, who has studied nutrition for 24 years, and I have put together a list, or cocktail, of the most promising natural treatments for cancer. The biggest hitter on my list is INOSITOL, first identified as an anti-cancer ingredient in grains–it’s also in nuts, beans and citrus. There are anecdotal reports of good response to inositol in the brain tumour glioblastoma multiforme. It affects dozens of genes, and in high doses it can kill cancer cells. You can get it at health stores, and it’s cheap. I would start with 5 gm [one big tsp.] 4-6 times daily, as soon as possible. Email me for more details, and for other natural treatments with proven lab-based actions against cancer cells. Shalom!