Video: Cholov Akum Nowadays

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milk[Video below.] “Chalav Akum Nowadays” was presented by Rav Yisroel Belsky, OU Posek; Rav Menachem Genack, CEO OU Kosher; and Rav Aharon Teitelbaum, Nirbatur Rov, with an introduction by Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer, OU Rabbinic Coordinator for Dairy Industry, at the 2011 AKO Conference on November 10, 2011 in New York.

Click below to watch this very informative presentation:

{Noam Newscenter}


  1. Some contested and dissenting views in the first 48 minutes.

    Rav Belsky starts at about 48:00 and speaks with great poise.

  2. Rabbi Teitelbaum speaks with passion, Rabbi Belsky speaks with logical wisdom. I keep Cholov Yisroel but understand the point made by Rabbi Belsky.

  3. The story about R’ Moshe throwing up after eating cholov akum is a famous one. To call it stupid might itself be stupid (!). I heard the story from someone who heard it from R’ Belsky himself who was with R’ Moshe when it happened (they went together to be menachem avel someone and R’ Moshe was served a drink that had it in cholov akum. When R’ Moshe heard this he went to the bathroom and threw it up.)

  4. Who defines a healthy cow?

    Halocha deems a cow that has had a cesearian, or excess air in the stomach relieved by inserting a tube to relieve the pressure, as being traif.

    Milk from a traif cow is not kosher, even if watched by a minyan of yidden!

  5. Reply to comment 2.
    He quotes Reb Moishe telling him “I made sure to write in every ????? that a ????? shall not dring ??? ????

  6. I watched the whole thing and found it fascinating. Thank you Matzav!! No reason to be critical of anyone on it. But of some of us just have to be cynical or critical about anything and everything. Probably better to eat Cholov stam than that and even the Nirbater would agree

  7. I don’t believe you for a minute. R’Moshe had too much dignity ant regard for the feelings of his hosts to do such a thing in a manner that anyone present would have known about it. The story is an insult

  8. You clearly missed the point. The reason it was called stupid was because even if one were to claim that Reb Moshe held one should be machmir- he certainly did not hold it was assur min hadin. So it is stupid to say over a story that clearly is not true. On another note, it is stupid to publicly say over stories that you admit that you don’t even have a clue whether or not it’s true.

  9. “The story about R’ Moshe throwing up after eating cholov akum is a famous one. To call it stupid might itself be stupid (!). I heard the story from someone who heard it from R’ Belsky himself who was with R’ Moshe when it happened (they went together to be menachem avel someone and R’ Moshe was served a drink that had it in cholov akum. When R’ Moshe heard this he went to the bathroom and threw it up.)”

    I’ve heard that story in a couple different ways, that 1) his wife figured that since he allows it, she gave him some and then told him about it 2) Rav Moshe once willingly tried it.

    I have come to be very skeptical of any of these stories.

  10. I learned in MTJ, Rav Moshe’s Yeshiva in the 1970’s. All the milk and dairy products served were cholov yisroel. This was at a time when the yeshiva was struggling financially and they still spent the extra money for cholov yisroel.
    When Rav Moshe gave his famous “heter” it was before they started doing the procedure to puncture the cows stomach. Nowadays its not just cholov akum but cholov trefah.

  11. Thanks for posting this, its really educational, and i enjoyed watching.

    I am not a Posak, but I was very impressed by Rav Nirbatir’s passionate Durusham and he spoke with poise and great derech eretz too.

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