Watch: Rav Michoel Sorotzkin on the Chronological Order of The Torah

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  1. The question is unique. The answer is marvelous . This shiur is emes laamito shel Torah.
    The delivery is superb!

  2. Why didn’t you post a few days before Shavous? By the time we saw it it was after yomtov.
    It’s another fantastic shiur from this talmid chochom . His shiurim are always so special.
    Next occasion, please post in due time.

  3. Funny guy. Mild brash in no way. Perfect for a saturday afternoon. Definately not the Schneerson scheme. Funny.

  4. UNREAL.
    What’s so special about this Rav’s shiurim is the fact that although the levels of each of his shiurim is so high yet he has the gifted ability to simply the contents so EVERYONE could understand them.
    Keep on posting.

  5. No, No. If the Bechoirim were originally meant to be Livyim forever, then why are we telling them to do Pidyon Habenn back in the end Parshas Bo, by Parsheas Kadesh?? A Leivy does not do Pidyon Haben.

  6. Yosef
    Reuven, you’re 100% right. Parshas Bo was much before the Eigel, why are we doing Pidyon Haben for the Bechoirim. The speaker said that they were going to remain Liviyim, so why are they doing Pidyon.

    • R’ Yani: Some have pointed to this and other parshiyos in the Torah as expressions of “yidiah” versus “bechirah.” “Shlach na b’yad tishlach” is another example. Clearly, Moshe Rabbeinu was never going into Eretz Yisroel. The sibah was only nisgaleh later. “Yom l’shannah, yom l’shannah” is perhaps another such an expression. The miraglim stayed on day in Eretz Yisroel for each year they were destined to remain in the midbar.

  7. Yani and Reuven;
    if you were to look at the Chazon Ish quoted by the speaker you would realize that you both are lacking the proper havono.

    Here are the words of the Chazon Ish;

    חזון איש אורח חיים, מועד סדור מתן תורה – סימן קכה אות ז’ : “שמות י”ג, י”ג, וכל בכור בניך תפדה, אף דהבכורים נתקדשו לעבודה, ולא הוסרו מדבר העבודה רק בחטא העגל כדכתיב ואני הנה לקחתי וגו’ תחת כל בכור וגו’ [במדבר ג’, י”א] וכמו שפרש”י שם, מ”מ לא נבחרו לעבודת הקרבנות אלא עד הקמת המשכן, שהרי במ’ יום הראשונים כבר צוה ד’ על קדושתו של אהרן ובניו, ואח”כ היה ראוי, שיהיו הבכורים על השיר ועל המשא כמשמרת הלוים, והוסרו ע”י חטא העגל, והנה נצטוו בפדיון לדורות אחר שיבחרו הכהנים, ומיהו צ”ל דאע’ג שהם קדושין בעבודת הלויים הצריכן פדיון, ופדיונן לכהנים, וא”כ אין מצות פדיון שנאמר בפ’ במדבר, סיבתה מפני שהחליפן בלוים, אלא אחר שנבחרו הכהנים נצרכו הבכורים לפדיון, והיתה מצות התורה שהלוים שנבחרו אז יפטרו כנגדן בכורי ישראל מפדיון וכמו שפטרו בהמתן את בהמת ישראל”, עכ”ל.

    Please review and you will understand

  8. The last line is the hardest but yet the most important. It seems that the benefit that a Bechor Levi gets, by the fact that he is also a Levi, is only “Mitzvas Hatorah”, which only took in effect after the Levyim were elevated to totally replace the Bechoirim.

  9. Pleasure to see such pilpul chaveirim on
    After all said -the speaker is a major talmid chochom. Please feature some more of his shiurim.

  10. “Ashreichem Yisroel she’divrei Torah chavivin aleichem”.
    Matzav is the only Torah web site featuring such outstanding shiurim which ignite a wonder maso umaton bemilchamto shel Torah.

  11. Rashi’s approach that ‘ein mukdam umeuchar batorah’ is simply shver. It would have made much more sense to set up parshas ki tissa after mishpatim when the eigel actually took place and thereafter set truma-tezave/vayakhel -pekudei.

    Apparently, Rashi was reluctant to learn pshat like the Ramban that the mitzvah of building the mishkan was first given and then taken away by the eigel and once again re given; which explains the chronological order.

    The only way to understand the Ramban is the way this excellent speaker explained so skillfully. It is however a big chiddush. Rashi was more comfortable with using the non conventional suggestion of ‘ein mukdam umeuchar batorah’.

    With that being said; this is one of the fabulous Torah speeches ever posted on line.

    • Reb Moshe : There is a machlokes between Rashi and the Ramban when we say אין מוקדם ומאוחר בתורה. I am not certain, but am pretty sure that several of the disagreements between them – if Yisro came before or after Matan Torah and if the tzivui of the Mishkan was before or after the Eigel (which are actually machlokesin in CHaZa”L) – is based on their understanding of this rule of אין מוקדם ומאוחר.


  13. Matzav,
    You need to post more of Rav Sorotzkin’s shiurim. He is a master /Chad b’doro!
    I was zoiche to hear him live as a guest speaker in Tashbar dinner earlier this year. What a powerhouse. He had the entire oilam ‘on fire’.


  14. Well I would really like to watch this video especially after all the above comments but once again matzav you left out those of us who have a filter.

  15. The pshat in the Ramban is la’e’amita shel toira.
    A real pleasure listening to this gifted speaker.
    You should post him more often.

  16. Its more a shiur about avodas hebechoros than about the Seder haparshios, but whenever Rav Michoel speaks in public its a real taanug de’kdusha.
    He has a kop of a genius and an abilty to deliver the most complicated issues with such clarity like no one else around . Whenever I hear him I get the feeling of wanting more and more. Mi idme lo?

  17. I heard Rav Sorotzkin a few weeks ago on Shabbos in Monsey. He spoke about the korbanos of Shevous. What a shiur.
    Anyone knows if this shiur was ever said in the weekdays and recorded? could it be found on line?
    It was simply yotze min haclal. You never hear such fantastic

  18. I had the zechus to hear Rav Michoel Sorotzkin a few weeks ago on Shabbos in Monsey. He spoke about the korbanos of Shevous. What a shiur.
    Anyone knows if this shiur was ever said in the weekdays and recorded? could it be found on line?
    It was simply yotze min haclal. You never hear such fantastic divrei Toira. NEVER.

  19. I learn in Bais Yosef yeshiva (Drillman’s) in Brooklyn. When Rav Michoel is in The States he usually is koivea his mokom limud there in the mornings. He is a pillar of chochmas hatora and many come to shmooz in learning with him discussing all topics. He has a phenomenal memory and he knows all over the place with such clarity and great understanding. He shares with us his unequivocal wisdom and speaks publically on special occasions or on Shabbos when he is in the neighborhood. Each speech is simply outstanding . If you ever get a chance to participate in any of his public appearances, go there. Highly recommended.

  20. My brother in law heard Reb Michoel on Shevous night in Lakewood. He claims it was the most fascinating experience he ever had listening to a Shiur in his life time. He said that the shiur covered so many yedios from all over shas and midroshim and yet was so clear that every single guy in the beis Medrash understood it though it was very sophisticated and full of lomdus. He said to me that if I ever know of a upcoming shiur Reb michoel is going to say ahead of time I should make every possible effort to participate . He concluded ” mi sh’lo shoma shiur from Reb Michoel Sorotzkin, lo shoma Shiur me’yomov’.

  21. Heard the fantsstic shiur last night with my chavrusa.
    We once had the same question on the ramba’n. We asked many talmidei chachomim. We never heard anything which made us really happy.
    This is the first time we got a REAL pshat. We were amazed. Its also said with such clorkeit and havana, like we never heard before. This magid shiur is poshut

  22. A friend just forwarded me the link with a recommendation to watch.
    What a beautiful shiur with so much depth and unparalleled delivery.
    I googled this speaker and found a lot of shiurim and speeches. Listen to another one about Reb Refoel Shmuelewitz zt”l (I learnt in The MIR). What a speech!
    If your time is limited and searching for quality- he is the man!

  23. I was told by my husband that this shiur is intended for men. I heards from a.close friend that she heard a shiur from this fabulous speaker and that he explains so clear that everyone understood – even her 14 yo daughter .
    I listened to this shiur and it is one of the best shiurim I ever heard in my life.

  24. Heard Rav Sorotskin this week in London . he spoke in Kehillas Ohel Moshe on the topic of meraglim and eretz yisroel
    ( it’s on line on Kol Halashon site).
    He was clear, sharp, brilliant and very sophisticated. I’m a regular listener of shiurim of all guest speakers that come to London. He is most certainly another league; in content and delivery. He spoke in London several times over the last few years. Every shiur of his is a flawless diamond.
    Thank you Torah Way for bringing him to the program.

  25. Heard this once.
    Its a real beautiful shtikel.
    R’ Michoel is a master and every shiur or drosho he delivers are second to none .

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