FOR SHAME: Anti-Vaxxers Lose Minds After Religious Exemption Bill Gets Pushed Through

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The state Capitol turned into a chaotic scene Thursday as both houses of legislature — and eventually Gov. Cuomo — passed a bill that will end New York’s policy of allowing religious exemptions from vaccine requirements.

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, the bill’s sponsor, got cursed out and flat-out threatened at one point by opponents of the legislation after it got passed and sent to the Senate floor.

“We’ll be back for you Jeffrey!” shouted one man in Orthodox religious garb, who was fuming in the gallery with others, many of whom had children with them.

Dinowitz said he had never seen such vile reactions in the Assembly chamber.

“I don’t ever remember in all my years here, the screaming in the Assembly chamber and the disruption in the Assembly chamber — people yell and scream outside and that’s fine, that’s fine — but the disrespect, not to me … Forget me … to the institution, to all the members of the state … was frankly a disgrace,” Dinowitz said. “And these are the religious people?! Shame on them. Shame on them.”

Read more at THE NY POST.



  1. To understand this disgrace, you need to understand the mindset of anti-vaxxers. They place their entire “self” on the notion that taking a vaccine is dangerous. This is what they live for, spending endless hours doing “research” that reinforces their opinion. To attack their position, is to attack their very “self”. Which makes it all the more important to legislate against them and protect the rest of us.

  2. What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. These people voted exclusively for democrats, now they must live with the consequences.
    Even though I have been defending the anti vaxxers right to their voice and freedoms of choice, this was clearly a terrible Chillul Hashem. Besides the terrible Chillul Hashem, they looked stupid and immature in the process. I know it’s only a very small fringe group, but the goyim don’t view it that way.

  3. It hurts to read about such a Chillul Hashem.

    Keep in mind also that use of the religious exemption by observant Jews involves falsifying the Torah, at worst (which the Yam Shel Shlomo famously states is Yeihareig v’al Ya’avor), and deception, at best. There is not a single Halachic source that prohibits getting vaccinated.

    • Yes Daniel, it does hurt to read about such chilul Hashem. most of the antivaxxers are very embarrassed at the behavior of those who were screaming and acting out. that is not typical behavior of an anti vaxxer.
      regarding using religious exemption there are two points.
      one is that is would definitely be assur to vaccinate if it would be found that the risks of vaccination outweigh the benefits. the antivaxxers do believe that to be true and it may just be the truth. time will tell.
      secondly even if you say the benefits outweigh the risks, religious exemption is any privately sincerely held religious belief and does not have to have anything to do with halacha.
      ps. there are rabbonim that say it ossur to vaccinate once one is aware of the real dangers of vaccinating
      i am not really sure why it is so hard for all of you to believe that vaccines cause harm.
      we have a vaccine court that paid out billions. they wouldn’t be paying victims if there are no victims.

      • You wrote: “we have a vaccine court that paid out billions. they wouldn’t be paying victims if there are no victims.”

        Actually, the court’s paying out billions is because of a presumption of causation, not because of proof that the vaccine caused the injury.
        The key legal stipulation is that if the petitioner has experienced one of the injuries or illnesses in the table in a period after receiving a vaccination, she receives a presumption of causation. Unlike a criminal case, where a defendant is presumed innocent, the vaccine cases are to supposed to presume that vaccination was the cause—unless that can be disproved. So, as the VICP’s site states, “being awarded compensation for a petition does not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the alleged injury.”

      • Not a single posek says its assur to vaccinate!!!!!! NOT ONE!!!!! Yes you may find a small amount of poskim who say you r not obligated to vaccinate but they still hold its muttar just no chiyuv.

  4. Whether they get religious exemption or not, the Health Dept has no right forcing dangerous chemicals onto your children. Period! President Trump clearly stated in January that these dangerous injections are not mandatory. They should go to Federal Court for it and fight it out till the end.

    • Typical anti vax drivel!
      No one is forcing you to take anything.
      It is forcing you AWAY from those who want to stay safe.

  5. and it is quite frightening to watch the slow process of history repeating itself in the form of religious oppression.
    happens really slowly one thing at a time.
    hard to watch the masses not see the writing on the wall.
    time to leave this country people.

  6. But yet these people were silent when gay marriage became the law of the land in NY State. For that they didn’t care. Hypocrites.

  7. Don’t you just love how vaxxers are very quick to dismiss something, but can NEVER back that up with a reasonable proof as to WHY they’re right other than “my doctor said so” “my rabbi said so”? While anti-vaxxers who are b”H becoming increasing, have all the proof in the world.

    • Please stop drinking the coolaide. I could write a long list on vaccine safety but it would make no difference fanatics can’t be swayed by anything period.

    • the have proof in their mind maybe. but anecdotes do not equal science. science means it can be reproduced. not somebody claims something and then is automatically believed! have fun being a expert in everything apperently!

  8. Um…I checked out all the videos and other than a supposedly orthodox man yelling at Dinowitz (no expletives) I did not hear expletives coming from the orthodox. I think this is more fake news and the Jewish media outlets took the bait.

  9. “I don’t ever remember in all my years here, the screaming in the Assembly chamber and the disruption in the Assembly chamber,” Dinowitz said. if Nazis ym”sh were to come after one would you not expect them to scream? These people sincerely believe vaccines are undoubtfully harmful to their children, how can they not scream?!
    Please have more understanding of the other side. Thank you.

  10. Why are you so quick to believe Rabbis that say that the internet is Ossur, while you are so quick to dismiss them when they say to vaccinate? Are you allowed to pick and choose?
    In regard to believable scientific evidence that vaccination, there are TONS of solid evidence that it is. Of course you won’t believe that stuff. You just resort to your quacky websites that sell snake oil and other pseudo science magic dust.
    One more question, where do you go when a serious disease strikes you or a family member?
    A doctor?
    God forbid! They are all corrupt!
    Do you take any medicine for anything? Never! They are all poisonous!
    Where do you go to ask a Shailah?
    To a Rabbi? No! They don’t know what they’re talking about!

    Refuah Shleima. May God have mercy on your soul! May gog forgive the terrible Chillul Hashem that you and your I’ll advised ilk are creating.

  11. Why are you so quick to believe Rabbis that say that the internet is Ossur, while you are so quick to dismiss them when they say to vaccinate? Are you allowed to pick and choose?
    In regard to believable scientific evidence that vaccination, there are TONS of solid evidence that it is. Of course you won’t believe that stuff. You just resort to your wacky websites that sell snake oil and other pseudo science magic dust.
    One more question, where do you go when a serious disease strikes you or a family member?
    A doctor?
    God forbid! They are all corrupt!
    Do you take any medicine for anything? Never! They are all poisonous!
    Where do you go to ask a Shailah?
    To a Rabbi? No! They don’t know what they’re talking about!

    Refuah Shleima. May God have mercy on your soul! May God forgive the terrible Chillul Hashem that you and your I’ll advised ilk are creating.


    Measles would be a much better option for the mchallel shem shamayim r’l.

  13. From IOM regarding infant mortality rate in US.

    In 2017–18, the number of students ages 3–21 who received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was 7.0 million, or 14 percent of all public school students. Among students receiving special education services, 34 percent had specific learning disabilities.

    I work as a special educator in the public school system. This year, my caseload jumped from 20 students with SLD and ADHD in the beginning of the year to 35 students. That is more than a 20% increase.

    • oh so vaccines are the boogie man now. all ills that exist derive from vaccines. you assume vaccines have todo with a rise in disabilities and poof all of a sudden you believe it so. it’s amazing when the world conforms to your viewpoint. you should know that’s not how the world works you can scream from the hilltops and it wont change scientific fact!
      oh and a rise in disabilities can be attributed to better diagnosing or even over diagnosing people. did you ever consider that?

  14. Dr Neil Miller wrote a book, actually a compilation, of 400 studies on vaccines. It is called Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 important scientific papers summarized for parents and researchers. Bottom line: The science is far from settled.

    • Even if you’re right that it isn’t settled, you have to act one way or the other. All level headed people say Vax. All loony kazoonies say don’t vax. I’ll choose vax.

      • sorry but that is completely false. there are so many level headed people that don’t vaccinate. all it takes is some common sense. they watch their child being damaged by vaccines. you can say whatever you want about them, but you can’t take away a mother’s intuition.
        a mother knows her child best. not the doctor, not the scientist and not the vaccine makers who have a monetary interest in showing vaccines to be safe.
        a mother knows best
        you can all argue but the torah says it straight out.
        Hashem told Avrohom to listen to Sara
        that is a lesson for us all.
        you listen to the doctor when you are sick NOT when you are healthy and whole
        doctor was given permission to heal
        i don’t see anywhere in the torah that doctors are given permission to prevent diseases by injection a toxic load of chemicals into the body.

  15. Either side of the vaccination debate should agree this was a chillul hashem and embarrassment to all religious Jews. Jews behave different , the problem is not protesting but rather they way they protested.
    I vaccinate but don’t doubt there are some possible dangers in vaccinations, but most people have been vaccinated and are healthy so that’s the largest visual study on safety. But yes in an ideal world one wouldn’t put foreign substances in a little human.. but the risks of not vaccinatating seems to be more likely than the risk of vaccinations.
    To those who trust doctors without any doubt , that would mean that our approach to same gender relations is completely unacceptable and dangerous as the A.M.A has Advised.
    Doctors say antidepressants are totally safe yet we often find long term changes caused by those, that doesn’t mean not to take them. Most medications have risks why would vaccinations be any different ?
    Again I think everyone should vaccinate , however some people on my side of argument are not rational with their questions to antivaccers.. for example you can’t ask why do you ever go to doctors ; it is possible to go to experts and not believe in everything they do while believing in most of what they’s possible to believe in antibiotics safety while believing that vaccinations are not safe. It is possible to believe the American medical association on vaccinations without believing them on their recommendations for gender identity etc Yet I repeat , I look around most people are healthy, most people don’t have aspergers yet most people vaccinate.

    • i hear what you are saying but when you say most people are healthy what are you referring to? that most people are not autistic and don’t have aspergers?
      sorry but not having one of those conditions does not make one “healthy”
      right now the incidences of allergies, asthma, cancer, adhd, type 1 diabetes, krohns, celiac disease, juvenile arthritis, and many other autoimmune conditions are on the rise big time. i am sure you know someone with one of these conditions. i am not going to say all cases of all these conditions is vaccine related because i don’t know but what i do know is that this has NOT been looked at by the “SCIENTISTS” and i think it is very clear why this has never been studied. because if they find a link THE ENTIRE medical paradigm will crash right down.
      they can’t afford to do this.

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