Agudah’s Conference of Synagogue Rabbonim Urges Prime Minister Bennett to Preserve the Sanctity of the Kosel

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100 rabbonim from the Agudath Israel Conference of Synagogue Rabbonim have signed on to a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, imploring him to protect the sanctity of the Kotel by rejecting the “Kotel Compromise.”
The letter can be viewed by clicking here.


  1. Why are ashkenazim debasing themselves and lashon haKodesh by using the Zionist (not Sefardi, which would be fine, but Zionist) “havara”?

    The Zionist leader Bennett knows very well the real pronunciations of those words in lashon haKodesh.

    Finally, the Kosel was not “liberated” in 1967. It was invaded by the Zionists who were the same evil Zionists who caused Jews to lose access to it in their Zionist war in 1948.


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