DE JA VU: Montreal Back in Lockdown

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Quebec is once again imposing a curfew in an effort to curb the spread of the highly contagious Omicron variant, as well as closing restaurant dining rooms, delaying the reopening of schools and closing non-essential businesses on Sundays, CBC reports.

Indoor gatherings involving more than one household bubble will also be prohibited.

Premier François Legault made the announcement in a news conference this evening, alongside Health Minster Christian Dubé and public health director Horacio Arruda.

The new restrictions will take effect Friday at 5 p.m.

“We’re at the worst of the pandemic so far,” Legault said. “Cases are underevaluated due to [at home] rapid tests, and we risk surpassing hospital capacity in the coming weeks.”

People who do not have a valid reason for being out of their homes between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. risk a fine of between $1,000 and $6,000, said Legault. He did not announce an end date for the curfew, but said it would be the first restriction to be removed once the situation has improved.

Quebec reported 14,188 new COVID-19 cases Thursday, its highest number of confirmed daily cases since the start of the pandemic.

All schools will remain closed until Jan. 17, but will provide remote learning where possible. School daycare services will remain open, prioritizing the children of health-care workers.

Most stores will be closed on Sundays, with the exception of certain businesses such as convenience stores, gas stations and pharmacies. Read more: CBC



  1. Had it been about curbing viruses and variants they wouldn’t make the curfew between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. when most people are not out on the streets anymore. They’d make it during the day.

    They make the curfew during the night hours because they can’t have people watching them arrest high-ranking criminals who are being pulled out of the DUMBS. The cleaning of the DUMBS, i.e. the draining of the swamp in Canada is almost finished.

  2. I should of made Aliyah. I’m so stupid. The grand rabbi told me that this would happen. But I did not want to give up my 2000sq meter home.
    Now I don’t have work my store is closed, non essential business. The bills are here and I am at my end.
    Totally meyash.

    • Lockdowns and curfews are imposed globally in order to drain the rats from the swamps, including the swamps in Israel. Nothing to do with any hoax virus. Read post #1 and wake up already.

  3. The article forgot to mention that all places of worship, including shuls will be forced to shut down starting tomorrow, Friday at 4 PM.

  4. “until Jan. 17” Omicron is such a good guest who tells us exactly how long its staying.
    Have you ever heard of a virus giving exact dates for coming and going?

    Whoever is not awake by now, will never wake up.

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