Agudath Israel Statement on Bnei Brak Terror Attack

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Agudath Israel is devastated by the news of yet another terror attack, this one in Bnei Brak, Israel. The attacker(s) opened fire on innocent civilians, killing five. This is the third deadly terrorist attack in Israel in the past week and a total of eleven people have been murdered.

Our brothers and sisters in Israel are reeling from more deaths in terror attacks in their country in the last week than in the last two years. We share in their pain.

We join all people of good faith in mourning the innocent victims of these murders and we wish their families comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. May Hashem, the Guardian of Israel, protect His people.



  1. klal yisroel, whether you are momlachti dati, charedi. litvish , edot hamizrach, whether you live in bnai braq, tel aviv arad, yerushalayim, LISTEN!! the Ribono Shel Olam is talking to all of us. we must pay attention, whether we are a bubby, a bohbby a savta a grandma, a grand pa, a zeida or a zaidy. klal yisroel must be k’ish echad, b’lev echad. maybe that’s our problem today

    • “National Religious” is, in the words of Rav Elchonon Wasserman and others, Idolatry mixed with religion. The Brisker Rav called their education a sea of heresy mixed in with a drop of Torah.

      So, instead of implying that this deviant and heretical movement of “National Religious” is anything other than deviant and heretical, perhaps you could beg all our brethren to finally and totally drop the idol of Zionism.

  2. or… maybe the problem is that we sit on the internet reading headlines and clucking our tongues and saying OY Hashem is sending us a message! Klal yisrael wake up! We need mashiach! and then we jsut go click on the next post.

  3. Terrible tragedy but not an excuse to come closer to the zionists who will use this as a shmad. Terrorists are physical danger and zionists are spiritual danger

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