“Hitler Wine” To Be Discontinued

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Faced with worldwide condemnation, the Vini Lunardelli wine company in northeastern Italy plans to discontinue a series of wines named after 37 dictators and fascist leaders, including Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin.

“That’s enough. We’re sick and tired of all this controversy,” said Andrea Lunardelli, heir to the controversial company. “So, from next year, the whole historical line with labels of people like Hitler and Mussolini will disappear.”

The Simon Wiesenthal Center repeatedly slammed Italy for permitting the scandal and called for a boycott of the company in 2013.



  1. “I’ll buy off all the discontinued wine with the Hitler labels,” Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas tweeted to Andrea Lunardelli, heir to the company. “So don’t throw the wine out, or, at the very least, save all the Hitler labels. We’ll buy it off of you and distribute it here among the Palestinian population.”
    After retweeting Abbas’s tweet, the UNWRA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees] also tweeted a request to the wine company, saying, “We’d like to join forces with Mr. Abbas, by distributing the Hitler labels to all the future Palestinian martyrs in our UNWRA schools. Please send us a few thousand labels, if possible. And please give us permission to print these incredible artistic renditions of Hitler in our school textbooks. Thanks.”
    In a follow-up tweet, the UNWRA tweeted an advisory to Palestinians: “If you’re driving off somewhere to commit an act of terror, please make sure to drink responsibly, and to designate a sober driver, so you’ll arrive at your planned terrorist attack destination safely. Thanks, and be safe. Cheers!”


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