Open Letter to the New York State Education Department from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America and The Vaad Roshei Yeshivah of Torah Umesorah

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We write on behalf of the yeshiva community of this State and its diverse educational institutions.

As religious Jews, we seek above all else to raise our families in the traditions of our faith. We all stand as one!

Our people have sacrificed so much over the millennia to preserve the institution of the yeshiva – the foundation of our faith.

We cannot relinquish control of the yeshivas that are the essence of our people. We cannot surrender control of our curricula. We cannot abandon to others the selection of our teaching staff.

Our religious requirements have not been adequately addressed. Our rabbinic leadership has not been properly heard. Our 300,000 pleas of our communities have not been given the attention they deserve.

Our people simply cannot abandon our religious values. With the help of G-d we will not permit it to happen.


  1. many Chassidic Yeshivos have great English depts. where all important studies are part of their education.

    I am one of those Chassic Yeshiva GRADUATES of High School that not only graduated but took NYState Regents tests as well and got good marks in Algebra & Geometry. went on to succesfully work in Wall Street firms as Director of many of them. ALL WITH A CHASSIDIC YESHIVA HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION.

  2. Chasidish yeshivahs are putting all of us at risk. It has nothing to do with “our religious values” they only listen to Rebbe not to religious values. There is not a single halachic source for avoiding teaching kids proper English, Math, History and Science.
    Stop protecting them, there are not majority of orthodox Jews and they are not doing it for the right reasons.

    • You’re missing the whole issue. The schools are teaching English, Math, History and Science but the govt wants them to learn it their way – with their added filth, gender education and lgbtqpr, and whatnot.
      The letter mentioned here is very well written. And this is what you’re lacking to understand.

  3. there is one solution to this issue that was tried many many years ago in Monsey and it worked.

    All Yeshiva students should be registered into the Public School system – no charge – it is the duty of the State to offer free public school for all residents. The Board of Education will have to hire teachers, build new schools to accomodate these 300,0000 students. So they will go bankrupt and come back to the Yeshivos and try to negotiate.

    It’s been done and DIDUN NETZACH IY”H.

  4. It is not true that “Chasidish yeshivahs are putting all of us at risk”.
    The same is true of nearly all the Litvishe yeshivas in Lakewood and in E”Y
    It is the right of all parents to want an unadulterated chinuch for their children.
    Nothing wrong with learning Math and English – to the contrary, it is a good thing – but that can come later after the yeshiva education. With the learning skills they receive in yeshiva, it is very easy for them to pick it up very quickly.
    The issue is that we cannot allow the government to be involved in any way in our chinuch – period.
    And we are entitled to any and all government programs that we can receive – it is our tax dollars and we are as entitled as any public school student is.

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