From the mother of the 5th grade boy in Lakewood, NJ critically ill from the flu:
As I’m sure many of you have heard, my son Chaim Shaul ben Pessel, a sweet 10 year old boy, is critically ill and in need of tremendous Rachamei Shamayim.
Less than a week ago he was a regular healthy 5th grader. On Sunday he came down with the flu. We were not too concerned as he continued with rather mild symptoms similar to my other children who had recently had and recovered from the flu. On Tuesday he took a drastic and rapid turn for the worst and he was hospitalized in critical condition! Thanks to all the Tefilos our our family, friends, and all of Klal Yisroel, there has been some improvement, but he still remains in critical condition and is in tremendous need of Rachme Shamayim!
Your continued Tefilos and Kabbalos are much appreciated and will surely help to bring him a refuah shelaima.
Many have asked us what more can they do to help our son? In consultation with a Rav, we would appreciate the following:
As we are taught, it is so important to constantly see Hashem’s goodness all the time and thank Him for all aspects of our life. Even for the most common and mundane matters. Such an outlook has the power to bring tremendous Yeshuos and Chasadim to us.
We are asking you all to please be Mekabel to notice Hashem’s Chesed and thank Him for it at least once a day.
May this be a zechus that Chaim Shaul Ben Pessel should have a Refuah Shelaima B’karov!
Please pass this on to whomever you can think of. We need all the zechusim we can get!
Thank you!
Did he get the jab before coming down with the flu? May he have a refuash shelemah.
It seems that the flu may be worse than the Omicron virus.
Interesting to note that while masks help somewhat in stopping Covid, they work extremely well in stopping the flu. Maybe all of Lakewood and other frum communities should rethink their ant-mask attitudes.
Omicron is the Covid hoax that got renamed to this new virus after most people didn’t buy into delta and covoid anymore
If anything, masks killed many people. Remember how many were hospitalized last year from bacterial pneumonia thanks to the masks?
For regular flu you take Tylenol, hot tea and some good rest in bed.
Please condiser a flew shot. Zink and qiuinne seltzer. I adde sum honik because it mkes its sweater accoduning to a few pipols.
take the flu vaccine
Chas Vesholom, are you and the poster above you crazy? Today’s “flu shot” = covid vaccine “mistakenly”. And the original flu shot got 89% sick.
Finally, a letter full of positivity and asking for concrete help for her son!
No blaming or finger pointing etc.
He should have a complete refuah bekoriv!
Apparently the flu and Covid only negatively affect the middle class and poor shlepers. The rich and famous don’t suffer from these pesky things. They still manage to fly in and out of Israel without any hindrance. They still fly to Dubai without any problems. Same for Orlando and Cancun. Something is not adding up.