Abbas Considering Severing Last Remaining Ties With Washington

(AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed,l)
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Furious with President Donald Trump’s recent actions, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas is said to be considering cutting its last remaining ties with the U.S. government, including critical security cooperation, Israel’s Channel 10 news reported Tuesday.

Officials close to President Abbas told Channel 10 that American measures, including severing funding for UNRWA, the UN refugee agency dealing with Palestinians, and East Jerusalem hospitals, could lead to an upsurge of violence in the region, and has the PA considering severing all ties with Washington.

“Trump has become an enemy of the Palestinian people and an enemy of peace. The American president is encouraging terror and extremism with his policies that could lead to violence in the region, which will explode in the faces of Israel and the US,” the officials told Channel 10.Read more at i24NEWS.



  1. Yup – “could lead to an upsurge of violence in the region” – that’s all they know threats and violence. Why doesn’t someone convince him to commit suicide?

  2. Does a pack of wild wolves have anything else to dream other than the gazelle and red word of justice to blind? In any sense, the arab dream to dominate the holy land is wrong and will fall.

    Is Israel not making atonement? More guys in white shirts today. I have faith we will.



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