First Lady’s Office Says Bolton Aide ‘No Longer Deserves The Honor’ Of Serving White House

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First lady Melania Trump’s office has released a blistering statement about the top deputy to national security adviser John Bolton, saying Mira Ricardel “no longer deserves the honor” of serving the White House.

The eruption comes after a report by The Wall Street Journal that Trump has chosen to oust Ricardel from her position at the first lady’s request.

“It is the position of the Office of the First Lady that she no longer deserves the honor of serving in this White House,” Melania Trump’s communication director Stephanie Grisham said in a statement directed toward Ricardel.

The first lady’s staff clashed with Ricardel during a trip to Africa last month over plane seating.


Read more at The Hill.



    • What a dumb statement. Her husband has such a good heart it takes him forever to drain the filthy swamp that are undermining everything he does. It took him 2 years to fire incompetent Sessions. If the First Lady who’s soft as butter calls for firing Ricardel, you can be sure she deserves to be ousted. If only she can fire Rosenstein and Mueller and the rest of the filthy swamp.

  1. Would you buy a hotel, casino, or office building from this man? Obviously #3 can’t/doesn’t have the druthers to launch an independent crusade.


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