The Matzav Shmoooze: A Plea from Yerushalayim – Where Are Our Vaunted Chareidi MKs While the Police Beat Us into Submission?

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Dear [email protected],

There’s total chaos here in the streets of Yerushalayim. The Israeli police continue to lock down and cordon off chareidi areas without reason, while ignoring what goes on in Tel Aviv and elsewhere.

The fights that break out nightly now are terrible. They’re terrible for the unity of this country and terrible for the chinuch of our children.

The videos below will show you all you need to know.

And yet, there’s no one stepping up to speak out in defense of the residents.

So I ask: Where are the chareidi MKs? Where are the Knesset members who we voted for? Election time, we are told to vote for our chareidi MKs – or else. Now, when we need them most, where are they? Why aren’t they telling the mayor to tell the police to stand down? Why do they allow the police to come every night and fight – physically fight – with us, chareidim, even with teens and children?

How much longer should we allow this to go on?

Dear chareidi MKs, either show that you’re worth something or give it up.

We need you now. Now is the litmus test of whether you are really worth anything at all.

B. H.

Romema, Yerushalayim


  1. Where were you all these years when these MKs did nothing? Now, when chareidim are personally suffering you suddenly wake up and realize that you have no representatives in the Knesset and government. Chareidi MKs are ONLY sitting in the knesset and govt to make sure that their institutions get the proper funding. That’s all they care about. They don’t care about chillul Shabbos and other issues related to the Torah. Do you expect the chareidi MKs to meddle and be threatened to lose financial support?

  2. And maybe there is a flip side to the story .I mean seriously there are many that are not getting checked, you can be naive but we got our issues and they know how to deal with us

  3. Um, you want people to die?
    Because they let those in Tel Aviv die, they should also let us die?
    Your hands are bloody.
    You don’t want a lockdown, neither do i. Wear a mask! Keep distance!

    • Idiot, you can only die from police brutality. Neither do masks keep people alive nor is the so-called virus a lethal virus. Lockdowns have nothing to do with wearing masks. And after the few days of lockdowns will people continue wearing masks? Isn’t it about time you know what’s really going on in the world and that the term “coronavirus” or “covid” is nothing but a cover-up? Get out of your cave and google: The Planet is Being Cleansed – Corona Virus is a Cover

    • It seems that coronavirus comes from the money they get from the government because yeshivos (and there were quite a few of them) that do not get financial aid from the government never closed (because the govt can’t threaten them), and there were no social distancing in their shuls (also quite a few of them that never closed), no crowd limits, nobody sanitized their hands, nobody maskerated themselves and nobody got sick. And the funny thing is that in Bnei Brak where yeshivos and shuls were closed there are/were loads of people sick.

  4. What are these crowds doing in the street at night. Why aren’t they at home like we are in New York.
    In the USA the denonstrators are not the frum, why are the frum not in shul or learning. Why are they out there crowding and screaming. It does not make sense. We saw two RAINBOWS in the last two weeks and made the
    brocho. Hashem is not happy with us and this crowd nonsense is not helping

      • Hashem is VERY happy with the erliche yidden from Yerushalayim who should keep sticking up to their rights.

        Gut gezogt, Pekak.
        And as for Annonymous 5:38 learn to judge erliche yidden with a good eye. FYI it was Motzei Shabbos and people went home from shul. It is well been proven in Israel, that the only way to overcome the hardships with the Zionists is by protests. If not for protests throughout the years, Yerushalayim would never have looked as beautiful as it does today.

  5. Seems like Tel Aviv picked up where the Yerushalayim left off.
    They are now protesting by blocking streets and squares and ignoring the police. They not up to using the Nazi call at the police yet but it’s only a matter of time.
    B”H the Tel Avivniks have good teachers and roll models to follow.

  6. Seems like Tel Aviv picked up where the Yerushalayim left off.
    They are now protesting by blocking streets and squares and ignoring the police. They not up to using the Nazi call at the police yet but it’s only a matter of time.
    B”H the Tel Avivniks have good teachers and roll models to follow.

  7. People here are MISSING THE POINT!!!

    One issue is whether people are taking the proper health precautions, and whether a lockdown is justified.

    A separate issue is the barbaric
    animalistic, violent misconduct of the police.

    The author is discussing only the second issue of police brutality. Please don’t conflate the two.

  8. Physical fights? No one is forcing you to step out of your dira and engage with the police. Stay home and you’ll be safe. Why initiate and aggravate the mishtara? I see in the videos, many people continuing on and not getting involved with the police. They’re not beating up innocent passerby’s. They are beating up those that try to remove the gates that they put up. Go about your business and don’t touch the gates and you’ll be fine.
    As far as the MK’s: the biggest problem in Israeli politics is that there is no term limits! Every sleazy politician, from every party across the board, gets in AND NEVER LEAVES! They stay in the Knesset till their dying day.
    The Charedie MK’s were silent when the mishgav zachors marched thru Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh R”L! That’s when they lost all Siyata Dishmaya. It’s been downhill since then. Pheh.

    • Yes, they were beating up innocent passersby – as they always do at chareidim protests. By the way, you can’t really not be on the streets when you go home from shul. And why should the Yerushalayimer yidden stay home? What are the police doing there in the first place? Whom are they looking for? It’s not as if they came with flashlights to hunt down the coronavirus. They came to instigate. The few videos you see here is not what actually happened. Many clips were cut out from public view.

  9. רבי חנינא סגן הכהנים אומר, הוי מתפלל בשלומה של מלכות שאלמלא מוראה איש את רעהו חיים בלעו – אבות ג:ב

  10. על כבודי לא מחיתם על כבוד בשר ודם מחיתם?!
    Where were you the last 75 years when the state of Israel has caught against hashem and his Torah????

  11. על כבודי לא מחיתם על כבוד בשר ודם מחיתם?!
    Where were you the last 75 years when the state of Israel has faught against hashem and his Torah????

  12. Go ahead. Remove the police and make it a hefker velt. Then Yerushalayim will be like NYC where people are killing each other every day except that your deaths will be caused by the virus. Chosid shotim!

  13. It seems that the police showing up is providing those people with entertainment and action and that is their sole purpose there. They are not there because either they or anyone in the community is afraid of being locked in by those short little fences.

  14. Well, I live here. BEHIND these “short little fences”. We are locked in almost like in a ghetto. For the third time in four months. Our kids are going out of their minds. It’s depressing. You can’t get to yeshiva, to school. Or now, to decamp. You can’t get to work. How can you continue supporting your family? The AC isn’t working. The fisherman can’t get to you. You cannot get in your car and out. Or take a taxi. Your einikels bris becomes a huge problem. ב”ה, we are alive. No complaints. But to sit quiet and allow them to mock us??? Why???
    Why are they locking us in? It doesn’t help to keep us more healthy. It actually incubates the virus more in our area. They want to protect only their own skin.


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