GO AWAY ALREADY: Fauci Says There ‘Should Be More’ Vaccine Mandates

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President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci pushed for more vaccine mandates at a local level on Sunday after railing against GOP speculation pertaining to the doses.

“I have been of this opinion, and I remain of that opinion that I do believe at the local level, Jake, there should be more mandates,” Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on CNN’s State of the Union. “There really should be. We’re talking about [a] life-and-death situation. We’ve lost 600,000 Americans already, and we’re still losing more people.”

The health authority claimed that because the coronavirus inoculations have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, requirements have yet to become mainstream, saying an FDA go-ahead would spurn “a lot more mandates” locally.

Read more at Washington Examiner.



  1. He’s right. We must continue to follow his every edict. Anyone not wearing his mask is mamesh a rodef and a rotziach! Any Shul that doesn’t have a partition by the bima should be locked up for good! How much more aiva will we create?!

    • Charlie why don’t you cut your stupid liberalwacky ridiculousness outpf here! Go on the daily kooks, I’m sure they want to hear you.

      Fauxchi has been nothing but a disaster! What’s the most dangerous place in the world? The space between a television camera and Dr Fauchi! The answer used to be Senator Chuck U Schumer and the television camera but now Schumer is in second place, barely!

      People like Charlie Hall are so far to the left that they might fall over. Charlie is so foolish and so stuck in his ridiculous ways, he certainly cannot understand and see that Dr falchie and his sticky fingerprints are all over this virus.

    • Recently there was a scare regarding numerous fish sold commercially. The FDA etc immediately pulled all those packages of fish off the shelves of stores due to the health concern. Here we have, literally thousands who were injured by these vaccines, yet the CDC and this murderer Fauci, is full steam ahead with these!!! No concern for anyone’s health. No concern for horrible side effects. Fauci is an out of control narcissistic murderer. Yes a murderer. According to reports, thousands have died around the world AFTER taking the vaccines!

  2. We need to daven that Hashem should take this evil and dangerous rasha and make a good kapporah from him. Maybe HE could be an example to discredit and prove the deadliness of the vaccine by getting some ‘mild’ side effects’ from it, like perhaps a heart attack, a little stroke, or at least some blood clots to HIS lungs. Maybe, Hashem, please?

  3. We might all daven to Hashem to eliminate this rosho and danger not only to us, but the entire country and world humanity. Maybe some ‘side effects’ for him – from the vaccine, like a good heart attack, stroke, or some blood clots to his lungs, please Hashem?

  4. “Go away already” Well, the real Fauci is already in Gitmo. This is all a show which will end soon.

  5. The reason why the coronavirus inoculations have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration is because they CANNOT be approved by the Food and Drug Administration!! They were NOT properly tested, and the tests that were done on them actually showed them to be quite harmful and very much NOT safe to use.

  6. Do some basic research. IVERMECTIN is a100% safe/effective treatment for COVID. LIARS CLUB–Gov’t, FDA and CDC are pushing this non-vaccine that has horrible side effects. This should have been taken off the market months ago.

    • Excellent observation. Along with the drug Ivermectin, it also became well known that, Boruch Hashem, there is the old Malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine, which, when taken together with the mineral Zinc, has very brilliant success against the Covid disease. There are also several Natural Healing therapies, which Boruch Hashem, effectively knock off the Covid problem; a few examples are: the famous Vitamins C & D, Colloidal Silver, Chlorine Dioxide, and Elderberry Extract.

  7. Excellent observation. Along with the drug Ivermectin, it also became well known that, Boruch Hashem, there is the old Malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine, which, when taken together with the mineral Zinc, has had very brilliant success against the Covid disease. There are also several Natural Healing therapies, which Boruch Hashem, effectively knock off the Covid problem; a few examples are: the famous Vitamins C & D, Colloidal Silver, Chlorine Dioxide, and Elderberry Extract.


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