FBI Asking Citizens To Report Extremism Among Family, Friends

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The FBI over the weekend released a call for Americans to report “suspicious behaviors” and “signs of mobilization to violence,” in an effort to prevent “homegrown violent extremism.”

The agency tweeted on Sunday: “Family members and peers are often best positioned to witness signs of mobilization to violence. Help prevent homegrown violent extremism. Visit https://go.usa.gov/x6mjf to learn how to spot suspicious behaviors and report them to the #FBI. #NatSec.”

Included in the tweet is a link to an FBI document detailing “homegrown violent extremist mobilization indicators,” which “are observable behaviors that could help determine whether individuals or groups are preparing to engage in violent extremist activities, such as conducting an attack or traveling overseas to join a foreign terrorist organization.”

The document notes that the FBI, the National Counterterrorism Center, and the Department of Homeland Security “emphasize that many of the indicators described herein may involve constitutionally protected activities and might be insignificant on their own. However, when observed in combination with other suspicious behaviors, these indicators may raise suspicion in a reasonable person and constitute a basis for reporting.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. Look up Pavlik Morozov, who was a kid during the soviet farm collectivization, that snitched on his family and subsequently was axed by his own grandpa or uncles, but the commies did made children’s books about the little jerk.

      • 11:34, you aren’t the sharpest knife in a drawer, are you?! What do you think the subject of 11:03 comment was: about the totalitarian soviet-like snitching-culture flourishing in the United States or about some historical details of some obscure and irrelevant person? Obviously the former. Now, what does your comment have to do with the subject?! Learn to stay on the topic.

  2. Wow. So we’re here. We’ve become Communist Russia. Snitch and rat out our very own family. As DeBlasio told us. Be an “ambassador”. DIVIDE AND CONQUER!
    Now of course, this new command only applies to WHITE FOLKS. This is NOT meant for Blacks or Muslims. That would be R A C I S T. Chris Wray is turning out to be one of the the most evil people America has ever produced.

  3. what nonsense are you guys talking about? if you know someone is going to take a shooting spree – stop him! even if the only way to stop him is by getting him arrested.
    this is what in the laws of lashon hara is called Toeles.

    oh no, this reminds us of soviet russia reporting jewish actions (nothing dangerous) so in order not to ever sound like them i’ll let my neighbor turn into a murderer????!!!

  4. My neighbors must be illegal aliens because they do strange things all the time. They swing chickens around their heads. They shake miniature palm trees and weird looking lemons in all directions. They live in grass huts even when they’re not remodeling their house. They shut off all the lights in the house and the entire family goes marching through the house following the leader who is holding a candle, a wooden spoon and a feather. Then they start a fire the next morning to burn the evidence of what they found. Strange people!

  5. Asking people to transgress לשון הרע as we head into the anniversary of the Spies returning whose downfall was לשון הרע , is unconscionable

  6. If these FBI guys objectively applied the criteria given in the book referenced in the link, then BLM, Antifa and a whole bunch of Democrat officials and politicians would already have been ensconced in Gunatanomo Bay long ago. The fact that they are ignored shows clearly that the book is an excuse to persecute Republicans rather than an objective endeavour.

    • Eh eh. You’re a racist. I’ll have to report on you now. You’re only allowed to snitch on people of the white race.

  7. Just so we know that the beracha against malshinim is still timely. What some bureaucrats really want is to suppress all speech contrary to the atheist/leftist line.


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