The Udvari Rov, Rav Shalom Krausz zt”l

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udavri-rovIt is with great sadness that we report the passing of Rav Shalom Krausz, the Udvari Rov. The nonagenarian Udvari Rov was the author of the seven-volume Divrei Shalom and was greatly respected and in Williamsburg where he resided and elsewhere in the Torah world. The Rov, who was 93, was a survivor of the Nazi atrocities during World War II and subsequently spent over 70 years in rabbonus. He served as the head of the Bais Horaah of the Hisachdus Harabbonim after being appointed to that role by the Satmar Rov zt”l.

The Rov was a son of Rav Shmuel Dovid Krausz zt”l the Udvari Rov and a grandson of Rav Dovid Avrohom Moshe Krausz zt”l, the rabbonim of Udvar. He was a son-in-law of Rav Yisroel Avrohom Alter Landau zt”l, the Edelener Rov and author of Bais Yisroel, who, in turn, was a son of Rav Shalom Landau zt”l, the Volover Dayan, and a son-in-law of the legendary Rav Yeshayele Steiner zt”l, the Kerestirer Rebbe.

The levaya was held last night at the Udvari Bais Medrash on Rutledge Street in Williamsburg. Maspidim included the Munkatcher Rebbe, the Pupa Rebbe, Rav Yechezkel Roth, his son and successor, Rav Shmuel Dovid Krausz, and his gabbai, Rav Chaim Miller.  Kevurah took place at the bais hakevaros in Deans, NJ.

Yehi zichro boruch.

{Yossi Newscenter}



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